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1 4 JANUARY 16, 1979 <br /> 9.0 Clerk <br /> The Summer Youth Program for 1979 was discussed, and LaValle stated <br /> that the city did not have anyone, at this time, to supervise. The <br /> Clerk will check with Washington County to see if the program is <br /> available, and possibly contact someone in the city to see if they <br /> are interested in supervising the crew for the summer. Peloquin <br /> stated that the SCS office in Washington County is in a position to <br /> possibly help the city this summer. <br /> Mr. Brevig stated that he does not concur with the dike agreement <br /> as drawn by the city. Mr. Johnson stated the changes were incorpor- <br /> ated as agreed upon. LaValle instructed Howard Kuusisto to contact <br /> Rice Creek to obtain a permit to move the dike. <br /> Attorney Johnson discussed the change in the zoning map from GB to CB. <br /> Mr. Peloquin wishes to transfer an acre of land to his son. At present, <br /> there are 2 or 3 other persons involved that have one acre sites. <br /> LaValle and Johnson concurred that a rezoning would be in order. <br /> LaValle suggested that the city look at a total picture for rezoning. <br /> Peloquin is to explain the consequences to other property owners if <br /> they do not wish to participate in the rezoning. <br /> CONNIE LEVI DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE <br /> Mrs. Levi was present, and was looking for input from the city in areas <br /> where they are concerned. The following areas were mentioned: (1 ) <br /> change in the State Aid Formula, (2) selection of an area representa- <br /> tive to the Metro Council, and (3) the pros and cons of the Metro <br /> Council. She stated that she was available to transmit any feelings <br /> of the city, and would advise them as to whom to contact if they wish <br /> to testify. <br /> Attorney Johnson reviewed some rezonings that have not as yet been <br /> given accurate legal descriptions (Mallinger, Peloqin, and Meyers) . <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, that the <br /> Peloquin, Mallinger, and Meyers rezoning matters be <br /> referred to the Planning Commission to see if they can <br /> obtain some suggested changes so the city can obtain <br /> legals to incorporate the necessary ordinances. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Schletty, Irsfeld and Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> The City Council agreed that the Planning Commission acted correctly <br /> in tabling the Gerald Dabe request for a Subdivision until all disputes <br /> are resolved. <br /> MOTION: Schletty made motion, seconded by Vail, to give Dan <br /> Spitzer approval to spend up to $100.00 to help develop <br /> a personnel policy. <br /> VOTING FOR: - <br /> VOTING AGAINST: LaValle, Schletty, Irsfeld and Vail <br /> MOTION FAILED <br />