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17 `, December 17, 1979 <br /> BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, to approve Bridge Re- <br /> placement Contract 1979V33. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> Mayor LaValle stated that there could be more money available, if after opening <br /> of the bids, it is needed. <br /> BREVIG - REZONING <br /> Mr. Geck, attorney for James Brevig, was present and stated that he and his client <br /> are interested in resolving the dike problem. Mr. Brevig would like to rezone <br /> a protion of his property from RRII to SFE and divide it for another building <br /> site. A perc test for the proposed lot was submitted. Geck stated that the <br /> • dike would remain at its present location. LaValle stated that the city would <br /> cooperate and Mr. Geck will attend the necessary meetings and bring in all <br /> material relating to this matter. <br /> The Planning Contract will be discussed at the meeting of 1/7/80. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, to set a public hearing <br /> for January 21 , 1980, at 7:30 PM, to consider the following pro- <br /> posed ordinances: <br /> 1 . Site Plan requirements in the RB and CB Districts, and <br /> 2. Amending Special Uses for CB District and the Industrial <br /> District to permit watchman's quarters as a Special Use. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.2 William Bighley - Sewer Hookup <br /> Mr. Bighley has purchased the Gerald Ensign property, and has been informed that <br /> this property has not been hooked up to the sanitary sewer. Mr. Bighley stated <br /> that he is attempting to hire a licensed and bonded installer to do the work. <br /> 5.3 United Power Association <br /> Representatives from UPA and Anoka Electric were present to discuss the proposed <br /> power lines to be installed along County Road 4. Maps and a resume' were provided <br /> for the Council's review. The route of the lines was discussed and the type of <br /> poles to be installed. LaValle stated that no permits for construction would be <br /> required, and thanked the gentlemen for taking the time to keep the city informed. <br /> A project design will be provided to the city before actual construction begins. <br /> (VAIL ARRIVED AT 8:11 PM) <br /> 5.4 John Norton - Special Use Permit <br /> Mr. Norton is applying for a Special Use Permit to fill Lot 7, Block 1 , Royalhaven <br /> Estates. Norton is now proposing to move the wetland with a distance of 67' <br /> from the septic system to the wetland. Norton's application to Rice Creek Watershed <br />