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Page 88 <br /> August 18, 1980 <br /> 7.0 Unfinished Business <br /> LaValle had met with Mr. Spoohr, Wash Cty Sheriff's Office to discuss the con- <br /> tract regarding police services. The cost for this police protection from the <br /> county is estimated to be $74,217.00, though the city will pay for actual cost. <br /> The service will begin on September 1 , 1980. There will be a refund from the present <br /> insurance which will be transferred to the county from the city. Discussion of <br /> contract regarding collision insurance for the police cars policing the Hugo area. <br /> LaValle will contact the county as to whether they could carry it, and the City <br /> Clerk will contact the city insurance agency for coverage. The Mayor is authorized <br /> by the Council to go ahead with negotiations, within cost estimates provided by <br /> the county. He will report again at the Sept. meeting. <br /> LaValle will check "on site" for completion of new seeding on Jim Leroux's property <br /> as part of an agreement for roadwork in that area. <br /> Discussion of water on 175th Street. Mayor suggests no new projects until 180th is <br /> finished. <br /> 8.0 New Business <br /> Mr. Schuneman requests that the Council go over a roadway description regarding <br /> a right-of-way. He needs an easement from adjoining property owner for a road. <br /> Attorney directed to study the request. <br /> 9.0 Clerk <br /> At Irene Leroux's request, Dan Spitzer made motion that the Washington County <br /> Advisory Committee for Senior Citizens be give the right to use the City Hall <br /> for their annual meeting. LaValle seconded. Motion carried. <br /> The Metro Council has granted an extension of time for the Comprehensive Plan for <br /> the city of Hugo to July 1 , 1981 . <br /> Lino Lakes Comprehensive Plan reviewed. Discussion of a proposed bike trail around <br /> the north end of Bald Eagle Lake. Spitzer stated that he understood that the bike <br /> trail was to be built by Metro and that Hugo would have jurisdiction over it. Spitzer <br /> made motion to return the Lino Lakes Comp Plan with a cover letter stating that <br /> the Hugo Council had no objections to their plan. Seconded. Motion Carried. <br /> 10.0 Misceilianeous <br /> Complaints from County Solid Waste Department - <br /> Against G. LaCasse's pit silo to dispose of potato garbage from a potato chip factory. <br /> LaValle talked to LaCasse, and he will fill it in but it will take time. Council <br /> suggests that there was no permit for this at the time of putting it in. LaValle <br /> will have a report by the next meeting. <br /> Against Elm tree brush piled at County Road 4 and 61 . Must be disposed of within <br /> 10 days. <br /> Against Neil Buschmann for a solar energy collecting device in his yard that <br /> blinds passing motorists. Also vehicles without licenses in his yard. Spitzer <br /> made motion to commence a nuisance violation proceeding regarding the solar device <br /> and to state their violation in having an excess of unlicensed vehicles in their <br /> yard. Seconded. Motion Carried. <br />