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March 16, 1981 <br /> Richard Vail - cont. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, seconded by LaValle, to approve the sketch plan <br /> for the proposed Shamrock Glen subdivision, and let the record show the <br /> following items will be considered in approval of the preliminary plan: <br /> 1 . Extension of the existing watermain to easterly property line of the <br /> proposed plan, at the developer's expense. <br /> 2. Relocation of the fire hydrant presently shown in the cul-de-sac <br /> area to an area to be determined along the property line of Lot 10. <br /> 3. Satisfactory drainage easements between Lots 11 and 13 (5' on each <br /> side) to the westerly property line be secured. <br /> 4. A 5' easement on each side of Lots 9 and 10 to the westerly lot line. <br /> 5. Lot 1 access dedication to County Road 8A. <br /> 6. Prelimininary plan will show the new street name. <br /> 7. The developer will provide 3 street lights (one on 8A and two interior) . <br /> 8. The developer will enter into a Development Contract, acceptable to <br /> the City of Hugo, setting performance of standards and establishing <br /> securities. <br /> 9. The Development Agreement will contain a statement by the property <br /> owner, that he is aware that building rules from other agencies may <br /> well render any or all of the lots unbuilable even after final plat <br /> approval by the City of Hugo. <br /> 10. The City Council will consider recommendations of the Planning Commission <br /> for the 4 variances required in the plat. <br /> a. Variance for Lot 1 from 130' depth requirement to 88' will be <br /> required, and a variance from a requirement of 100' to actual <br /> footage of 86' will be required. <br /> b. Variance for Lot 2 from 130' requirement to 88' actual depth. <br /> c. Variance to install rolled bituminous curb and gutter instead of <br /> concrete as required by ordinance. <br /> d. Variance to bypass the requirement to install sidewalks. <br /> 11 . The developer will pay to the City of Hugo 10% of the markey value <br /> of the land prior to subdivision. <br /> 12. The applicant make application to Rice Creek, DNR and Washington <br /> County to secure necessary permits. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br />