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/71 <br /> fc ' <br /> March 16, 1981 <br /> 5.3 Tom Helgeson - Washington County Redevelopment Authority <br /> Mr. Helgeson explained to the Council the HUD Section 8 Rent Assistance Program <br /> for existing Housing, and was seeking Council approval of a Resolution supporting <br /> establishment of a Washington County Redevelopment Authority. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, seconded by Schletty, to adopt RESOLUTION 1981-3, <br /> A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING ESTABLISHMENT OF A WASHINGTON COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT <br /> AUTHORITY. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.6 Wally Otto - Site Plan Approval <br /> Mr. Otto owns 5 acres and has a Contract for Deed on 12 acres in the AG zone, and <br /> would like to construct a 40 x 90 pole barn to be used for agricultural purposes. <br /> The barn would be located on the 5 acre parcel (separate deeds) . <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Schletty, to approve the Site Plan for <br /> Wally Otto. <br /> LaValle withdrew his motion. <br /> There was much discussion regarding the purchase of 12 acres from the Benson Kennel <br /> property by Mr. Otto. McAllister felt that the balance of land should be kept in- <br /> tact to coincide with the required Special Use Permit. The Planning Commission <br /> recommended approval because they interpreted the ordinance to read that 3600 sq ft <br /> would be allowed in the AG zone. Mr. Barbour had never approached the city for <br /> approval of Land Division to sell the 12 acres to Mr. Otto. Attorney Johnson <br /> suggested that the city call in the fee owner to obtain authority from them, if <br /> there are going to be restrictions on the land. Mr. Otto stated that there are <br /> lots for sale lying along County Road 8A, and the Mayor was of the opinion that <br /> city approval had never been granted. Attorney Johnson stated that if he meets <br /> requirement for Land Division (12 acres) , a deed could be reviewed based on a <br /> Certificate of Survey. The question is whether the Special Use Permit was based <br /> on certain acreage; you could be looking at action to revoke the permit. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, seconded by Schletty, to table this matter until <br /> the meeting of April 6, 1981 , at 7:45 PM. Messrs. Barbour and Benson, <br /> along with fee owners involved, are to be sent registered letters stating <br /> that we will be conducting a special review of the Special Use Permit on <br /> that date and request they attend. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> Mr. Otto to provide a certificate of survey for the 12 acre parcel, along with <br /> adequate proof-of-ownership. <br /> 5.7 KLK Industries - Bald Eagle Industrial Park <br /> Mr. Dale Keller, part owner, was present and questioned why access to the park is <br /> not accomplished by 128th Street as indicated on the original plat. The Mayor <br /> touched briefly on the history of the industrial park, and stated that the con- <br /> struction of 130th Street does not change the plat of the park, it is only an <br /> addition. Mr. Keller did not feel the proposed storm sewer improvement would <br />