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1981.04.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1981 CC Minutes
1981.04.06 CC Minutes
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April 6, 1981 <br /> Mayor LaValle suggested that Mr. Riermann contact Rice Creek and see if he could <br /> obtain administrative approval prior to the actual permit being granted. <br /> 5.3 Benson Kennel - Special Review of Special Use Permit <br /> Mayor LaValle stated that since the original Special Use Permit was issued, there <br /> has been sale of property and a split in the ownership. The original encompassed a <br /> total of 217 acres, and Barbour stated the kennel now consists of 135 acres. LaValle <br /> said that because of the changes the city should be looking at the number of dogs, <br /> buildings, and shooting that will occur on the property, and whether the land should <br /> continue to be divided. The problems really surfaced when the city became aware <br /> of the purchase of 15 acres by Wally Otto for a pole barn. Jeff Barbour contended <br /> that there has been no change in the plan since originally submitted in 1979. The <br /> original plan included the six lots lying along County Road 8A, but there was no <br /> mention in the minutes to these lots. Mayor LaValle felt that Mr. Barbour did not <br /> understand that the Special Use Permit went with the land, and that any change in <br /> land would require an Amended Special Use Permit. The city also has an application <br /> from Wally Otto for Site Plan Approval to construct a pole barn; Otto stated that <br /> he will be looking for approval of a 45 x 108 building as originally requested. <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Schletty, that the Land Division re- <br /> quest be sent to the Planning Commission along with a recommendation that <br /> they look at an Amended Special Use Permit considering the number of acres <br /> after the number of Land Divisions are discussed. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> Mr. Otto was informed that his pole barn should be constructed on the 15 acre parcel <br /> or the two parcels (5 & 15) will have to be combined into one deed. The accumulative <br /> total has been reached for accessory buildings on his five acres, so a Special Use <br /> Permit will have to be applied for. Attorney Johnson stated that Mr. Otto cannot <br /> construct the building across the property lines of the two parcels. <br /> The following applications should be submitted by Jeff Barbour: Amend Special Use <br /> Permit and Land Division. Wally Otto to apply for a Special Use Permit. Mr. Barbour <br /> is to provide the city with a current proof-of-ownership for the entire piece of <br /> property. Otto stated that he does not want to combine the two parcels. <br /> 5.7 William Mulry - Septic System Violation and Transfer of Special Use Permit <br /> Mr. Mulry is the new leasee of the Oneka Hill Kennel, and Dr. James Dresen, the <br /> properly owner. Mr. Mulry was present, and stated that the contract he signed with <br /> Dr. Dresen stated that the seller would be responsible to pay for improvements <br /> necessary for the updating of the septic system for the kennel operation. Mr. <br /> Mulry has had three contractors review the system, but did not have a signed con- <br /> tract that he could submit. Mr. Mulry was instructed to work with the city's <br /> Building Inspector and Engineer to determine what criteria should be used to <br /> remedy the problem. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, to table the Nuisance Com- <br /> plaint for Oneka Hill Kennels until the meeting of May 4, 1981 . <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br />
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