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December 21 , 1981 <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Vail, to approve the Land Division for <br /> Jeffrey Barbour, subject to the condition that the Road Agreement being <br /> recorded at Washington County. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> LETTER OF CREDIT <br /> The letter of credit, in the amount of $5,000, will expire 12/31/81 , and was re- <br /> quested originally to insure completion of Phase 2 of the kennel,parking area, <br /> and the septic system. The septic system for Phase 2 will be forthcoming. Mr. <br /> Barbour stated that he has planted 3,000 trees, and has ordered 5,000 more for <br /> planting this spring. <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by McAllister, that the $5,000 Letter of <br /> Credit be extended for one year, to guarantee the sewer system on Phase <br /> 2, according to the City Engineer's specifications, and consideration of <br /> parking facilities, if needed. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.3 Archie Potter - Land Division <br /> Mr. Robert McCloud is proposing the division of 39 acres into 3 parcels, one of <br /> which is owned by his daughter, Paula (Parcel B) . Parcel A was sold on Contract <br /> for Deed to Ray Wlaschin, and Parcel C is retained by Mr. McCloud. Proof-of- <br /> ownership was submitted. <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by McAllister, to approve the Land Division <br /> for Robert & Dorothy McCloud as follows: The SE2 of the SW4 and the E2 <br /> of the SW4 of the SW4 except West thirty three feet, all in Section 36, <br /> T31N, R21W of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Washington County, Minnesota, <br /> and subject to corrected survey. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED • <br /> 5.4 Maurice Gessner - Minor Subdivision <br /> Mr. Gessner has sold 2 acres to Ruby Loos, leaving a balance of 120 acres. Ms. Loos <br /> now owns a 22 acre parcel, but was not correctly identified on the deed. The sur- <br /> vey should eliminate the northern line of the two acre parcel, thereby creating <br /> the 22 acre parcel as desired by the city. A new deed will also be required with <br /> one legal for the entire parcel. <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Schletty, to approve the Minor Sub- <br /> division for Maurice Gessner, subject to submission of a corrected <br /> survey and deed showing the 22 acres as one parcel. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, SChletty, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br />