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24 <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Irsfeld.seconded, to have a Special Meeting on <br /> April 19, 1982, at 6:30 PM, to have a general discussion on the drainage <br /> g <br /> plan in the Bald Eagle,:Industrial Park with the effected parties to <br /> attend. Attorney and Engineer are to have estimated cost figures avail- <br /> able. Clerk to send out notice. <br /> VOTING FOR: McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED. <br /> Also to be notified are Richard Granger and Everett Gallivan, neighboring pro- <br /> perty owners. <br /> 5.3 American Legion Post 620 - Special Use Permit <br /> Mr. Husnik, representing the Legion, had polled the neighborhood regarding the <br /> addition, with no objections being registered. The 2700' addition would suffi- <br /> ciently enlarge the building for future rental occasions, which the Council felt <br /> would benefit the community. <br /> MOTION: Vail made motion, seconded by Schletty, to approve the Special Use Permit <br /> with the following conditions: <br /> 1 . A privacy fence be extended an additional 80 feet to the North. <br /> 2. This Special Use Permit is being issued on the premise that the <br /> American Legion Post 620 is a private club, and shall remain a <br /> private club. <br /> 3. Any change in ownership shall cause the Special Use Permit to be- <br /> come null and void. <br /> 4. The American Legion Post 620 shall plant additional trees, the <br /> number to be determined by the City Council. <br /> 5. The City waives the blacktop requirement of the parking lot, but <br /> directs that the parking lot shall be graded in such a manner as to <br /> direct the runoff onto the street. <br /> 6. The American Legion Post 620 shall pay the additional RECS and SACS. <br /> 7. The City shall monitor the sewer flow for a period of one year to de- <br /> termine the applicable number of RECS to be charged. <br /> 8. The exterior of the addition shall be consistent with the exterior <br /> of the existing building. <br /> 9. If construction is not begun within one year of the signing of this <br /> permit, the permit shall become null and void. <br /> 10. If the Special Use Permit is not signed within sixty (60) days from <br /> March 15, 1982, the SUP shall become and void. <br /> 11 . The City shall review this permit annually to insure compliance <br /> with the conditions of the SUP. <br /> VOTING FOR: Schletty, Irsfeld, Vail ABSTAINED: McAllister <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br />