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1982.05.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1982 CC Minutes
1982.05.17 CC Minutes
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11/6/2015 11:40:56 AM
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11/6/2015 11:40:55 AM
City Council
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48 <br /> this requirement on the rest of the owners in the park with holding ponds. He <br /> did not feel that the pond was any more dangerous than the flowing creek. Be- <br /> cause the pond was a man-made structure, Mr. Johnson felt there would be more <br /> liability. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made mot ion, Vail seconded, to approve the preliminary plat <br /> for the Husnik Industrial Park. The final plat to be clearly shown <br /> that it is a private holding pond, and in no way public drainage - <br /> a private holding pond on private property. The drainage easement <br /> that is now shown should be labeled private drainage easement. • <br /> VOTING FOR: McAllister, Schletty, Vail <br /> VOTING AGAINST: Irsfeld <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> Let the record show that the drainage plan shown on the preliminary plat was <br /> drawn by Mr. Husnik's engineer and accepted by the Rice Creek. Watershed District <br /> as an acceptable method to them for storm water runoff management. <br /> • <br /> 5.8 James Husnik - American Legion (3 SAC'S) <br /> The MWCC has determined that the American. Legion is liable.for a total of 4 SAC's, <br /> one of which has already been paid. An amount of $1 ,275.00 is due MWCC. McAllister <br /> stated that MP. Husnik has agreed to the following proposal: <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Vail seconded, that the City of Hugo accept a <br /> letter signed by the commander of the American Legion Post 620 stating <br /> that the American Legion will repay to the City of Hugo an amount <br /> equal to 3 SAC's ($1,275.00) prior to the issuane of their 1983 licenses. <br /> VOTING FOR: McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.9 John Norton - Special Use Permit <br /> Mr. Norton is proposing the filling and rough grading of Lot 7, Block 1, Royal- <br /> . haven Estates for the purpose of ultimately construction of a residence. A copy <br /> of MP. Norton's exhibits was sent to Rice Creek, and Bill Weidenbacker called the <br /> city stating that Rice Creek preferred the shallow slopes, and that Mr. Norton <br /> would have to obtain another permit from Rice Creek because of the time that has <br /> lapsed since the original application. It was determined that the Engineer and <br /> Council would make an on-site inspection of the lot on May 27, 1982 at 6:00 PM. <br /> 5. 10 Ron Johnson - Minor Subdivision <br /> Mr. Johnson; realtor from Grant Land, regarding the proposal to divide 10 .acres <br /> from the White Bear Rod & Gun Club property. The club is the contract purchaser <br /> of the property, and Sally Quinehan, fee owner) . Mr. Johnson stated that he will <br /> have Ms. Quinehan sign the application. There was some discussion as to whether <br /> this subdivision would affect the status of the club's Special Use Permit. A club <br /> member was present and stated that a trap field or two could be removed to meet <br /> the setback requirements. The permit does not address the matter of acreage re- <br /> quired to operate the club. <br />
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