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93 <br /> October 18, 1982 <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, McAllister seconded, to set a public hearing for <br /> November 15, 1982, at 8:00 PM, for the purpose of discussion of the in- <br /> tended use of the 1983 Revenue Sharing Funds. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> THE BOTTLE COMPANY <br /> There was discussion on the conditions set for Mr. Palsa to construct his driveway <br /> at the front of his new bui When the Driveway Permit is issued, Mr. Palsa <br /> is to submit payment of $500.00 for a curbcock. Kuusisto and Johnson will work <br /> together to complete an agreement between the city and Mr. Palsa for the standards <br /> required to ensure protection of the recently installed storm sewer. <br /> 9.0 .ATTORNEY AND ENGINi <br /> Mr. Johnson submitted his montly report. There was much discussion relating to <br /> Armon Systems and septic system installed by them at 12616 Ingersoll Avenue North. <br /> The city has not received payment for the cosh incurred. to install a system that <br /> functioned properly. Attorney Johnson recommended that the city obtain a summary <br /> of the engineering tests performed on the Armon System, and also obtain estimates <br /> as to what a holding tank system would have cost to install. Engineer Kuusisto <br /> stated that he will obtain this information. <br /> 10.0 CLERK <br /> The city received a letter from the DNR regarding the availability of public access <br /> to Sunset Lake. Mayor LaValle instructed the clerk to set an informational type <br /> meeting with the following representatives: DNR, Sunset Lake Homeowners Assn. , and <br /> the City Council. <br /> Captain Greer Washington County Sheriff's Office, will be meeting with the Fire <br /> Department on October 25, 1982, at 6:30 PM, to discuss the new 911 program. Anyone <br /> interested in this program is invited. <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, McAllister seconded, to adjourn at 9:19 PM. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> Mary Creager, Deputy erk S <br /> City •f Hugo <br />