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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 19,2015 <br /> Page 5 of 6 <br /> Discussion on Met Council System Statement <br /> The Metropolitan Council has completed the system statements for every community in the <br /> seven-county metropolitan area within the Metropolitan Council's jurisdiction. The system <br /> statement is a customized document informing each community how it is affected by the <br /> Metropolitan Council's policy plans for regional systems-transportation, aviation,water <br /> resources,and regional parks and open space. This document is required by state law and <br /> intended to help communities review and,if necessary,amend their local comprehensive plans. <br /> This plan will guide growth in the City through the year 2040. <br /> City Administrator Bryan Bear explained the City has 60 days to review the system statement <br /> and there is an appeal process,though staff sees no need to challenge the system statement. He <br /> talked about the land use categories designated for the City of Hugo and explained the new <br /> category, Emerging Suburban Edge, for the western half of the City,which is currently in the <br /> Metropolitan Urban Service Area(MUSA) and will be expected to develop at three to five units <br /> per acre. The eastern half of Hugo is in a Diversified Rural category with a density of at four <br /> units per 40 acres. <br /> Bear explained the system statement estimates Hugo's population to be at 29,000 by 2040. This <br /> estimate is way down from past estimate of 40,000 by the year 2030, and the Met Council had <br /> already guaranteed service capacity for this. Also a big discussion at the Met Council is the <br /> creation of a hosing policy outlining goals for affordable housing. The goal set for Hugo is to <br /> provide for 834 total units of affordable housing between 2020-2030. The Met Council has <br /> leverage over these goals because they are tied into livable community funding and <br /> transportation funding. Bryan also talked about the transportation map and significant changes in <br /> the long term sewer service area map,which now shows the eastern portion of Hugo not in the <br /> sewer service area. <br /> Bryan explained that staff does not see significant revisions to the 2030 plan. Forecasts are lower <br /> than they were 10 years ago.Affordable housing will be a challenge,and eastern Hugo will be a <br /> significant discussion since it is no longer inside the long-term sewer service area. Staff would <br /> like to consult with the Planning commission,Parks Commission, and EDA. Staff will prepare a <br /> work plan later this year or early next year for the Comprehensive Plan update process. <br /> Council had questions on the senior housing and what is considered an affordable unit. There <br /> was also comments on the lack of mass transit to accompany affordable housing. City <br /> Administrator Bryan Bear explained that Hugo is outside the transit capital levy district. There <br /> are funding resources,but the City will need to develop a housing strategy to show how the City <br /> will meet its housing goals,though there are not enough resources available to do so. <br /> Haas stated his opinion was that the Met Council is an unelected,politically appointed group <br /> who mandates their views on the rest of us. Everything is market driven,and Hugo should <br /> continue doing what Hugo is doing. <br /> No formal action was taken. <br />