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CDD Bear informed the Board about the meeting with Washington County officials <br />regarding the CDBG program. Representing the Hugo EDA at the meeting were staff <br />members Bear and Denaway, and Commissioners Arcand and Klein. Bear informed the <br />Board that the He and the CDBG subcommittee would again meet with Washington <br />County officials to further discuss Hugo's grant application. <br />Miron made motion, Skarich seconded, to support the CDBG sub -committee, consisting of <br />Arcand, Klein, and Charpentier, to attend a meeting with Washington County officials to <br />move the City's grant application forward and to recommend approval of the CDBG plan <br />during the City Council meeting of December 6, 2004 <br />All Aye. Motion Carried <br />E1 ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATION ON DOWNTOWN <br />REDEVELOPMENT PROCESS <br />The Board recently expressed its desire to become more informed about current ongoing <br />City projects. Community Development Director Bryan Bear will be begin this process <br />with a presentation on the current Downtown Redevelopment Project. The City has <br />recently completed a downtown visioning process designed to elicit public input on the <br />form that the new downtown should take. This process has resulted in the development of <br />a concept plan, which Bryan will present to the Board. <br />CDD Bear presented a PowerPoint presentation informing the Board about the current <br />downtown redevelopment process. The Board requested that a paper copy of the <br />PowerPoint presentation be provided in the next agenda packet. <br />No formal action was taken. <br />E.2 DISCUSSION OF SHORT-TERM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES <br />Staff would like to begin a process of providing administrative presentations on City <br />projects, and then allowing time for discussion regarding the project and how it fits into the <br />potential goals and objectives of the EDA. These opportunities for discussion will be used <br />to narrow the focus of the EDA and begin the formulation of potential goals and programs <br />to be implemented by the Board. <br />The board decided that this item had already been discussed, and will be covered during <br />the December 20, 2004 goal setting session. <br />No formal action was taken. <br />E.3 SCHEDULE MEETING WITH HBA AND WHITE BEAR AREA CHAMBER <br />OF COMMERCE <br />