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Water Wise Pool Owner <br />RICE CREEK <br />WATERSHED <br />D I S T R I C T <br />D L/C(/ <br />When the lakes of Minnesota thaw out it's <br />time to fill the pool and get ready for a po- <br />tentially hot and humid summer. Pools <br />obviously use large volumes of water and <br />chemicals, too. But you can own a pool <br />and keep the environment in mind at the <br />same time. During pool season be a good <br />steward of our water resources by consid- <br />ering these options: <br />1. Cover your pool to reduce evaporation <br />of water and chlorine. It will also retain <br />heat. <br />2. Consider installing a water -saving pool <br />filter. <br />3. If you would like to reduce your chemi- <br />cal use, alternatives such as ultraviolet <br />light cleaners and salt water or ozone sys- <br />tems are becoming more popular. <br />When summer is over and it's time to drain <br />the swimming pool, a few simple steps <br />will help protect our surface waters. The <br />Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has <br />these guidelines: <br />1. Stop adding chlorine 3 days before you <br />drain the pool. This will allow the chlo- <br />rine to dissipate. A testing kit can be used <br />to be sure the chlorine is gone. <br />2. It is best to drain water onto a lawn or <br />other vegetated surface. <br />3. Make sure that the drainage rate is slow <br />enough to allow the water to soak into the <br />soil without running off into storm sewers, <br />wetlands, other surface waters, or <br />neighboring property. <br />4. Never drain into a storm sewer or street <br />drain (these drain directly to lake, rivers, <br />or streams without being treated) <br />5. If you cannot drain onto the lawn <br />(small lot size, for example), contact the <br />Minnesota Pollution Control Agency or <br />your city to determine your options. <br />That's simple enough. Of course, if a pool <br />seems like too much work, there's always <br />the 10,000 plus lakes ready and waiting. <br />Recreation Programs Continued <br />Geocaching Club <br />May 1— August 31 <br />Hugo Parks <br />Find geocaches hidden throughout Hugo's <br />parks for your chance at the grand prize <br />drawing in September! Pick up your log <br />book and cache clues at Hugo City Hall <br />after May 1 to start your summer geocach- <br />ing adventure! <br />Park Play Days <br />Tuesdays & Thursdays <br />June & July <br />9:00am— 11:00am, 1:00pm— 3:00pm <br />At your neighborhood park <br />Join in fun games and activities for all <br />ages in your neighborhood park! The cost <br />is free, but a parent must be present or <br />provide emergency contact information. <br />For locations and activity schedule, follow <br />the City's facebook or check the website. <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY HOUSING e <br />Worried about <br />your next house <br />payment? <br />You are not alone. <br />There is FREE and <br />CONFIDENTIAL <br />help. The Wash- <br />ington County <br />HRA, a HUD - <br />approved counseling <br />agency, offers fore- <br />closure prevention <br />counseling. <br />Certified counselors <br />can help you create <br />a plan. <br />Washington County <br />HRA <br />321 Broadway Ave <br />Saint Paul Park, MN <br />55071 <br /> <br />(651) 458-0936 <br />Election <br />Judges <br />Needed', <br />To learn how you <br />can be a part of the <br />next election, con- <br />tact Hugo City <br />Clerk Michele <br />Lindau at 651-762- <br />6315. <br />