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Parks Commission Meeting 4-12-00 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />abandoned. Trails are coming from the south in this location. If a map had been available showing trail <br />connections this issue may have been resolved in another manner. <br />V. Bobbers Baits <br />A. The status of this property was discussed. The Parks Commission decided they would not pursue the <br />purchase of this property. <br />VI. Beaver Ponds Park <br />A. The water service for irrigation has been installed at Beaver Ponds. As soon as the weather permits <br />seeding and irrigation will begin. <br />VII. Washington County 8 Reconstruction <br />A. The County has been proceeding with planning. The City will need to contribute funds to build a <br />trail adjacent to the new road. Coordinating this project with the County is critical. <br />B. The Parks Commission wants to develop a crossing or an underpass to connect north Hugo to south <br />Hugo. <br />C. The County and the City should make joint grant applications to obtain funds to build the trail and the <br />crossing. <br />VIII. Rice Lake Park. <br />A. Greg Meyer, the contact for Hugo Thanksgiving Church, requested that the Commission assist the <br />Church with some recreational development on the site. <br />B. The Commission will not provide technical assistance to complete a proposal. <br />C. This park is not in a neighborhood park range and the physical condition does not lend itself to active <br />recreation. <br />D. No major money will be invested in the park for recreational activities. This park is intended to be a <br />nature park and active recreation is not compatible with this use. <br />E. The Church may build a casual softball or soccer field on the site, but the Commission may or may <br />not contribute a small amount of money. <br />F. If the Church would like to pursue this they still need to make a formal proposal to the Commission. <br />IX. Next Meeting Agenda <br />A. John Uldstuen, Snowmobile Club, will come to our next meeting to discuss the future of snowmobile <br />trails and the club. <br />B. We will invite the new City Administrator, Mike Erickson, to our next meeting. <br />NEXT MEETING: May 10, 2000 <br />6:30 p.m. <br />S:/trans/2staff/3-tr-la/laurie/hugo/mtgmnts4122000.doc <br /> 10/3/2007 <br />