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Parks Commisison Meeting 9-13-00 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />II. Bernin Property - Pete met with the Bemin's on September 13. They shared that they would like to <br />keep the homestead and house. The Bemin's think that the house and the associated 2 acres are <br />worth more than what is being offered. They are still very interested in negotiating with the City. <br />The Commission is still very interested in the property, but are concerned about the two acres. This <br />property adjoins the DNR boat launch and is critical to the development to the park as a whole. <br />III. Country Ponds — The City is waiting for the Watershed to respond regarding the issue of disturbing <br />existing vegetation and how that would impact any future determination as to the existence or extent <br />of wetland. <br />IV. Beaver Ponds — A quote has been received for grading and seeding the soccer field. It will cost $5100 <br />to have this work completed. A letter contract will be prepared that will be sent out on City <br />letterhead and signed by the City Administrator. <br />V. Victor Gardens — This plan will be presented to the Parks Commission at the October 11 meeting. The <br />developers will be bringing a proposal that can be reviewed at that time. Smaller parks are part of <br />this proposal and the Commission will need to discuss how these might fit into the future Hugo Park <br />System. <br />VI. City Map / Trails — The Commission viewed a draft trail map and outlined existing trails that can be put <br />into the computer. Trails near Bald Eagle Lake and at Creekview Preserve were added to the plan. <br />A. Entry Monument — The future entry monument was discussed. More <br />B. Sign should last, be permanent, built with quality materials <br />C. Natural Landscaping, low maintenance <br />VII. Open, friendly, warm, fluid opinions were expressed and are documented in the following list as <br />Laurie heard them. These feelings will be used when concepts for the signs are generated. <br />D. Generally everyone really liked rock, especially fieldstone. <br />E. Don't like wood face signs. <br />F. Don't use a logo — this can change over time. <br />G. Rustic — field stone, iron materials <br />H. Recall wetlands, wildlife, cattails <br />NEXT MEETING: October 11, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. <br />\\spfiles1 \trans\2staff\3-tr-1a\projects\f-j\hugo\parks\meetingminutes\9132000.doc <br />—Recreation/minutes/09.13.00.htm 10/3/2007 <br />