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Minutes <br />Hugo, Minnesota Parks and Recreation Open Space Commission Meeting <br />October 13, 2004 <br />7:00 p.m. <br />Council Chambers — City Hall <br />Meeting Chair: Kitty Cheesebrow <br />Minutes By: Chris Petree <br />Present: Parks Commission: Kitty Cheesebrow, Roger Clarke, Steven Lacher, Tom Weidt <br />and Jennifer May. <br />Planning Commission: Kelly Bailly. <br />City Council: Fran Miron and Becky Petryk. <br />Staff Chris Petree and Bryan Bear. <br />Absent: Jim Keithahn and Pete Pedersen. <br />I. Approve Minutes From September 8, 2004 Meeting <br />Weidt made a motion, Clarke seconded, to accept the Minutes from the September 8, 2004 Parks <br />Commission Meeting. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />II. Creekview Preserve Neighborhood Meeting <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree provided a presentation to the Park Commission and sixteen <br />residents that were in attendance on behalf of the Creekview Preserve neighborhood. Petree <br />presented the possible location of the park, a budget amount for the park and a possible timeline for <br />construction. The Park Commission then asked residents to share their opinions of the possible <br />park site. The comments were as follows: Concerns: speed on 159th St. N., parking, safety issues <br />and a trail connection to 157th St. N. Positives: Would prefer a park in that area compared to the <br />water tower site, would like to see a play structure for ages 2-12 and would like to be involved as <br />layouts and colors are selected. By a unanimous show of hands all residents in attendance were in <br />favor of the park going in with the necessary traffic control being installed. Petree informed the <br />residents that the City will contract with a Park/Landscape Designer to help with the layout of the <br />park and the Park Commission will invite the residents back in a few months to help make decisions <br />on the layout of the park and what amenities are included. In the meantime, the City will begin <br />preparing the site for the park this fall by hauling in the necessary fill to the site. <br />III. MCES Storage Tank Location <br />Bill Moore, General Manager for MCES, provided an overview of the dilema that is facing this area <br />of the region that is served by the Forest Lake Sanitary Sewer Interceptor. Due to spills into Bald <br />Eagle Lake the MCES is responding by creating a short term solution of building flow attenuation <br />tanks. According to MCES officials these tanks have to be built along the interceptor between <br />CSAH 8 and Bald Eagle Lake. The MCES and Hugo City Council have two potential sites that <br />Page 1 <br />