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Minutes <br />Hugo, Minnesota Parks and Recreation Open Space Commission Meeting <br />November 10, 2004 <br />7:00 p.m. <br />Council Chambers — City Hall <br />Meeting Chair: Pete Pedersen <br />Minutes By: Chris Petree <br />Present: Parks Commission: Jim Keithahn, Roger Clarke, Pete Pedersen, Tom Weidt and <br />Jennifer May. <br />Planning Commission: Kelly Bailly. <br />Staff Chris Petree. <br />Absent: Kitty Cheesebrow and Steven Lacher. <br />Approve Minutes October 13, 2004 Meeting <br />Weidt made a motion, Keithahn seconded, to accept the Minutes from the October 13, 2004 Park <br />Commission Meeting. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />II. Discuss O'Shea's Irish Ridge Park Dedication <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree presented the report as prepared by Kendra Lindahl, Landform <br />Engineering. The report recommends taking Park Dedication Fees in lieu of land and requesting the <br />developer to dedicate a 25' trail and landscaping easement along Irish Av. N. and 155th St. N. <br />Weidt made a motion, May seconded, to accept Park Dedication Fees in lieu of land and request a <br />25' trail and landscaping easement along Irish Av. N. and 155th St. N. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />III. Update on MCES Storage Tank Location <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree provided an update to the Park Commission relating to the <br />MCES storage tanks. Petree informed the Park Commission that MCES officials presented a plan to <br />the City Council that would no longer require the storage tanks to be installed. <br />IV. Approve Final Draft of Rice Lake Park Feasibility Study <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree shared the final draft of the Rice Lake Park feasibility study with <br />the Park Commission and asked for comments. The Park Commission reviewed the feasibility study <br />and recognized that the changes that they had requested were included in the final draft. <br />Keithahn made a motion, Clarke seconded, to approve the final draft of the Rice Lake Park <br />Feasibility Study. <br />Voting Aye: Keithahn, Clarke, Pedersen & May. <br />Voting Nay: Weidt. Motion Carried. <br />Page 1 <br />