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Hugo, Minnesota Parks and Recreation Open Space Commission Minutes <br />July 12, 2006 <br />Page 2 <br />residents that if the City considers any improvements to the property that abuts Sunset Lake the <br />residents in the area would be notified so that they could participate in the planning/development <br />process of the park. <br />Pedersen made a motion, May seconded, to accepted Outlots A & B for park dedication <br />requirements for Sunset Shores and request that the developer extend the trail from Oulot B to <br />120th St. N. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />III. Discuss Landscaping Plan for Val Jean Park Shelter <br />The developer of Victor Gardens requested that the Parks Commission review the landscaping <br />plan for the shelter at Val Jean Park. Parks Commissioner Charlie Kirk has been involved in the <br />project and provided the Parks Commission with an overview of the plant varieties and design of <br />the landscaping. <br />Clarke made a motion, Berger Seconded, to approve the landscaping plan for the shelter at Val <br />Jean Park. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />IV. Parks Project Funding Committee Update <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree provided an update on the Parks Project Funding Committee. <br />The City Council appointed Councilmember Chuck Haas to also serve on the committee. The <br />committee will meet in the next few weeks to continue prioritizing projects and evaluating funding <br />sources. <br />V. 2006 Parks Project Update <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree provided an update of the 2006 Parks Projects. <br />• Diamond Point Park: The development of Diamond Point Park is proceeding as scheduled. <br />Play equipment, the Picnic Shelter and trails should all be installed within the next month. <br />• Beaver Ponds Park: All of the concrete work is completed and the picnic shelter is scheduled <br />for construction in early August. City staff will then complete all restoration work to the site <br />after shelter is constructed. <br />• Frog Hollow Park: City staff has completed the installation of a split rail fence along 159th St. N. <br />VI. Skate Park Committee Update (Roger Clarke) <br />Tabled until August 9, 2006 meeting. <br />VII. Washington County — Open Space Funding Referendum <br />Tabled until August 9, 2006 meeting. <br />