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citizens about current parks and recreation facilities and to determine if and when a <br />formal City of Hugo parks and recreation program should be started. <br />Berger made a motion, Larsen seconded to schedule the "Parks and Pizza" open house <br />for November 10, 2009. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />V. Set Next Meeting Date <br />Because city offices are closed on Veterans Day, a national holiday, the next Parks <br />Commission meeting was rescheduled. <br />Roger Clark made a motion, Larsen seconded to re -schedule the November <br />Commission meeting for November 18, 2009. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />VI. Other <br />Roger Clark reminded members that the commission will have a vacancy with Russell <br />Schmidt leaving and directed staff to advertise for the position opening. <br />VII. Other <br />Scott Anderson, Public Works Director, provided copies of an email from Commissioner <br />Dave Strub who was unable to attend tonight's meeting. The email shared Strub's <br />concern about Washington County's CSAH 8 improvement plan not including paved <br />shoulders. Strub emphasized the need for a safe means of pedestrian use and bikers to <br />travel the area especially with future park opportunities on a long term scale for the <br />Hanson property area. <br />Berger made a motion, Parker seconded to direct staff to send a letter to Washington <br />County encouraging them to consider paving the existing shoulders along CSAH 8. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />VIII. Recognition of Russell Schmidt <br />Roger Clark thanked Russell Schmidt for the years of service. All commission members <br />agreed that the dialog and perspective opinions expressed by Russell were appreciative <br />and necessary in the decision making processes that benefitted the community. Mayor <br />Fran Miron, who was in attendance, also thanked Russell for his community service and <br />dedication. <br />