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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON FEBRUARY 1, 2016 <br />DA January 4, 2016 City Council Meeting <br />D.2 January 23, 2016 Warm Hearts for Charity Event <br />D.3 January 25, 2016 18011 St./Foxhill Ave. Neighborhood Meeting <br />Staff recommend Council approve the above minutes as presented. <br />F.1 Northeast Youth & Family Services - Jerry Hromatka, President & CEO <br />The Northeast Youth & Family Services (NYFS) is in partnership with 13 communities in the <br />northeast metropolitan area and work to improve the lives of over 4,000 youth, families and <br />adults each year. For several years, the City of Hugo has provided $6,000 in financial support <br />to provide services to Hugo residents. NYFS President & CEO Jerry Hromatka will present the <br />NYFS annual report to the Council. <br />F.2 Introduction of New Washington County Deputy Scott Zitzloff <br />As of the beginning of 2016, there are three new deputies patrolling in Hugo: Deputy Scott Zitzloff <br />will be in attendance at the meeting, and Sergeant Wayne Johnson will introduce him to the <br />Council. <br />G.1 Approval of Claims <br />Staff recommends Council approve the Claims Roster as presented. <br />G.2 Approve 2016 Spring and Fall Cleanup Dates for April 30 and October 8, 2016 <br />Public Works Director Scott Anderson has worked with Washington County to secure Saturday, <br />April 30 and October 8 for the spring and fall cleanup dates. As in the past, the event will take <br />place at the Public Works Building from 8 a.m. to noon. Staff recommends Council approve <br />April 30 and October 8 as the spring and fall Citywide Cleanup Dates for 2016. <br />G.3 Approve March 7, 2016 for Public Hearing on the Storm Water Pollution Prevention <br />Program (SWPPP) <br />As part of the requirements for the City's Municipal Storm Water Permit, the City is required to <br />hold a public informational meeting to receive public comment on the City's SWPPP. Public <br />notice needs to be published in the official City newspaper, and staff will post it on the City's <br />website. Staff recommends Council schedule the SWPPP public hearing to be held on March 7, <br />2016. <br />