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GA Approve Resolution Calling for the Public Hearing on Proposed 147th St./Oneka Lake <br />Blvd N. for March 7, 2016 <br />At its December 21, 2015 meeting, Council directed the City Engineer to prepare a feasibility <br />report on a potential improvement project of 147th Street/Oneka Lake Boulevard. The report <br />provides information on whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and <br />feasible. Staff recommends Council approve the resolution calling for a public hearing on the <br />project and scheduling a public hearing to allow the property owners affect by the project to be <br />heard. <br />G.5 Approve Solar Energy Summary Ordinance for Publication <br />At its January 4, 2016 meeting, Council approved an ordinance relating to and regulating <br />accessory solar energy systems and solar farms. For lengthy ordinances, State Statute § 412.191 <br />allows for the publication of a summary ordinance the clearly inform the public of the intent <br />and effect of an approved ordinance for publication. Staff recommend Council approve the <br />solar energy summary ordinance for publication. <br />G.6 Approve Advertisement of Bids for the 2016 Dust Control Proiect <br />Staff is requesting authorization from the City Council to advertise for bids for the City's 2016 <br />gravel road dust control project. The City of Hugo currently applies dust control to <br />approximately 28 miles of gravel roads located within its municipal boundaries. Following <br />City Council approval, staff will advertise and solicit bids through our City newspaper and will <br />hold a bid opening on March 30, 2016. This will be followed by the Council considering bids <br />in April. The dust control/stabilization would be applied in two separate applications, once in <br />mid-May and again in early to mid-August. Staff recommends approval of authorization to <br />advertise for bids for the City's 2016 gravel road dust control project <br />G.7 Approve Advertisement of Bids for the 2016 Seal Coating Proiect <br />Each year, the City of Hugo seal coats a portion of its bituminous roads. Staff seeks <br />authorization from the City Council to advertise and solicit bids through our City <br />newspaper and will hold the bid opening on March 30, 2016. Work would take place <br />during the months of July and August. City staff recommends Council authorize <br />advertisement of bid for the 2016 seal coating project <br />G.8 Approve Advertisement for Public Works Seasonal Employees <br />Staff is requesting authorization to advertise and hire a total of five (5) seasonal employees for <br />the public works department. In the 2016 General Fund Budget, Council approved the five <br />seasonal positions. Seasonal Public Works Employees assist with mowing, garbage/litter <br />removal, park maintenance, boulevard and general Public Works maintenance. A starting hourly <br />wage of $12.00/hour was approved in the 2016 General Fund Budget for these positions. These <br />