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2016.02.01 CC Packet
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2016 CC Packets
2016.02.01 CC Packet
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9/16/2016 11:53:45 AM
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1/28/2016 4:16:21 PM
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advertised and sealed bids solicited. Once bids are opened, staff will make a recommendation <br />for council consideration at a future City Council meeting. Staff recommends that the City <br />Council authorize the advertisement for sealed bids for the 2003 Chevrolet 1500. <br />G.14 Authorize the Advertisement for sale of 2000 Chevrolet 2500 Fire Dept. Pickup <br />In 2015, the City Council authorized the transfer of an existing Public Works Department pickup <br />truck to the Fire Department to replace a 15 year old pickup truck being used by the Department <br />as a fire utility vehicle. Staff is seeking approval to advertise the sale of the existing 2000 <br />Chevrolet 2500 Fire Department pickup through a sealed bid process. Once bids are opened, <br />staff will make a recommendation for council consideration at a future City Council meeting. <br />Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the advertisement for sealed bids for the 2000 <br />Chevrolet 2500. <br />H.1 Update on 180th Street/Foxhill Avenue Neighborhood Meeting held January 25, 2016 <br />At the December 7, 2015 meeting, Council adopted a resolution respectfully declining the <br />petition for improvements to the 180th Street/Foxhill Avenue and directing staff to schedule a <br />neighborhood meeting to solicit input from the property owners about potential repairs and/or <br />improvements. The meeting was held on Monday, January 25, 2016 at 7 p.m. at Hugo City Hall <br />where there was discussion on a potential paving project, assessments, and other options. Staff <br />will provide an update on the meeting. <br />H.2 Update on 125th Speed Study <br />At its September 21, 2015 meeting, Council approved a resolution authorizing MnDOT to <br />complete a speed study between Goodview Avenue and CSAH 7 in response to a resident <br />complaint on speeding on the road. Staff will provide an update to Council on this study. <br />H.3 Update on Parks and Recreational Programs <br />Parks Planner Shayla Denaway will provide an update on the winter and spring recreational <br />programs for 2016. <br />I.1 Discussion on Concept Plan for LaValle Fields, LLC Apartment Project <br />At its meeting on January 14, 2016, the Planning Commission reviewed and provided comments <br />on a concept plan submittal for apartments on a parcel north of Keystone at LaValle Fields and <br />west of Lions Park. The applicant wishes to receive feedback from the City Council on this <br />concept plan in regards to the general layout of the concept plan, development phasing, building <br />orientation and placement, massing of the buildings compared to the originally approved PUD, <br />architecture and building materials, trail connections, common outdoor spaces, and amenities. <br />I.2 Discussion on Automatic Mutual Aid Agreements <br />
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