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positions will not exceed 40 hours per week. Staff recommends Council approve the <br />advertisement for Public Works Seasonal Employees. <br />G.9 Approve Resolution on Statutory Tort Liability Limits <br />In the late 1990's, the League of Minnesota Insurance Trust required each city that obtained <br />liability coverage from them to decide whether or not to waive the statutory tort liability limits <br />to the extent of the coverage purchased. At that time, the City Council opted not to waive the <br />statutory limits. LMCIT is requiring each member city to reaffirm their position regarding these <br />limits. Currently these limits are $ 500,000 per claimant and $ 1, 500,000 per occurrence. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the resolution on statutory tort liability limits. <br />G.10 Approve Appointment of Lynn Patzner as the Planning Commission Representative <br />on the Board of Zoning Appeals and Adiustments <br />The Board of Zoning Appeals and Adjustments consists of one Planning Commission Member, <br />one City Council Member, and one other resident of the City appointed annually by the Council. <br />Tom Weidt serves as the Council representative, Christian Boland as the resident, with the <br />Planning Commission member position vacant since the Council accepted the resignation of <br />Rick Gwynn at their meeting on July 20, 2015. At the Planning Commission meeting on January <br />14, 2016, the Commission selected Lynn Patzner to serve on the Board. Staff recommends <br />Council approve appointment of Lynn Patzner as the Planning Commission representative for <br />the year 2016. <br />G.11 Approve Hiring of Sarah Hodges as AudioNisual Technician <br />Sarah Hodges has submitted her application for employment for the part time position as an <br />audio/video technician to film and record City Council and Planning Commission meetings as <br />needed. Staff recommends Council approve the hiring of Sarah Hodges at the rate of $12/hour <br />beginning on February 1, 2016. <br />G.12 Approve Resolution on Withrow School Closing <br />At the January 4, 2016 meeting, Stillwater School District Superintendent Denise Pontrelli <br />presented to Council her proposal to close three of the District's elementary schools: Oak Park <br />Heights, Marine on St. Croix, and Withrow Elementary in Hugo. Council generally <br />acknowledged they didn't have a clear understanding of the rationale for the decision and <br />questioned whether all possibilities have been considered. Staff was directed to draft a <br />resolution, not providing a formal recommendation, but on the process, value, and impact this <br />decision may have on the community. Staff recommends Council approve the resolution on <br />Withrow School closing. <br />G.13 Authorize the Advertisement for sale of 2003 Chevrolet 1500 Engineering Dept. Pickup <br />Staff is seeking approval to advertise the sale of the existing 2003 Chevrolet 1500 pickup truck <br />(#109-03) that was previously used by the Engineering Department. This truck would be <br />