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TO: City Council <br />FROM: Bryan Bear, City Administrator <br />SUBJECT: 2016 Goals. <br />DATE: February 4, 2016 for the City Council workshop of February 8, 2016 <br />BACKGROUND: <br />Attached to this memo is a copy of the 2015 Goals approved by the City Council last year, as <br />well as the 2016 goals that were discussed in recent weeks by the Parks Commission, Planning <br />Commission, Economic Development Authority and Historical Commission. I'd encourage you <br />to review this information as you prepare the City's goals for 2016. As you know, staff uses the <br />goals developed by the Commissions and City Council to direct our work priorities in addition to <br />our daily work assignments. <br />Also attached are the legislative priorities Metro Cities and a list of items Washington County <br />will be working on in 2016. Please review them. <br />In addition to the commission goals, I have talked with all department heads concerning some of <br />the key projects the staff anticipates spending time on this year. Below is a selected list of some <br />of these projects: <br />Infrastructure: <br />Pavement management program. For each of the last several years, the city has used a <br />rating system for our city streets, which has been used to set priorities for the City's street <br />reconstruction program. Based on this rating system, the Council authorized a feasibility study <br />for reconstruction of 147th St and Oneka Lake Blvd. Staff will provide the council with updates <br />on the condition of city streets and long term maintenance costs and will ask council to consider <br />approving another street reconstruction project for 2017. Discussion will include funding <br />sources and an analysis about whether the continued use of the CIP levy is sufficient. If not, <br />either borrowing or consideration of levy increases will be necessary for continued funding of <br />the projects in future years. <br />Construction projects in 2016 will focus primarily on new public roads and utilities to <br />be constructed concurrent with private development. Notably, an extension of Oneka Parkway <br />will be built south of CSAH 8. CSAH 57 will be repaved north of 152nd St, and CSAH 4 will be <br />repaved between Ingersoll and Manning. This year's graveling project will include <br />improvements to 180th Street. The City Engineer and Public Works staff will be preparing a new <br />gravel specification that will be used with future graveling contracts. A large segment of JD2 <br />