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Maintenance will occur early in 2016 from 1701h Street northward, including a segment within <br />Forest Lake, and extending to Henna Ave. <br />Fiber. Staff is working with internet providers and state and county government toward <br />expansion of high speed internet services in eastern Hugo. We anticipate a large fiber <br />installation project for much of this area to be constructed by Century Link in 2016, improving <br />internet service. <br />Street Lights. Public Works, Planning and Finance staff have been discussing our <br />options for future street lighting within the city. It is a significant annual budget item that <br />includes electricity, maintenance and replacement costs. Key decisions concerning street lights <br />are being made at the time that new neighborhoods are created that have long term implications. <br />Staff has been working with Xcel Energy to prepare a list of options for analysis and eventually <br />recommendations will be made to the Council. <br />Water: <br />Leading the policy discussion. Water will again be a significant topic in 2016, <br />beginning with the continuation of the City's water summits. Hugo is viewed as a leader on this <br />topic as others look to us for guidance on the complex issues. This is a significant undertaking <br />for our limited staff. With council support, we have hired a full-time Community Development <br />Assistant. An Administrative Intern has also been hired to assist with water related work. We <br />have also increased our use of consultants for this purpose. <br />Stormwater management plan. A draft of this plan is complete, and has been reviewed <br />by the Planning Commission and City Council. The plan will guide development and <br />stormwater management practices in the city. Policy changes may lead to new development <br />practices to be considered regarding stormwater management and irrigation. There are policy <br />questions outlined below for the Rice Creek Watershed District that must be finalized before our <br />plan can be approved. <br />LGU. Related to the stormwater management plan is discussion on administration of <br />stormwater regulations, including those of the Rice Creek Watershed District. Staff anticipates <br />discussion on the possible expansion of the city's role as Local Governing Unit, and continuing <br />discussion on the taxes collected compared to the services provided by Rice Creek Watershed. <br />The City may increase its role in ditch maintenance. <br />Stormwater re -use. The Council will be presented with options concerning <br />implementation of new re -use projects, including financing methods. This is a bonding year for <br />the legislature, and the City staff is preparing legislation to request bonding funds for this <br />purpose. We will continue meeting with affected HOAs, and determine a process to construct <br />the proposed systems. We will also continue to find opportunities for construction of water re- <br />use projects within new developments. <br />Water Conservation. The staff is now accepting applications for our new water rebate <br />program. We have also completed water audits on city properties. We are looking at other <br />water conservation incentives, and possible changes to ordinances and water rate structures. <br />