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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2013 <br />GOAL SETTING SESSION <br />Mayor Tom Weidt called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Bronk, Klein, Petryk, Weidt <br />ABSENT: Haas <br />ALSO PRESENT: City Administrator Bryan Bear, Finance Director Ron Otkin, Accounting Clerk <br />Anna Wobse, Fire Chief Kevin Colvard, Planner Rachel Juba, Parks Planner Shayla Syverson, and City <br />Clerk Michele Lindau <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear provided Council with a brief overview of the status of the 2012 City <br />Focus Goals and a preview of what to expect for 2013. <br />Discussion on Historical Commission Goals <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear explained that the Historical Commission will continue cataloging the <br />City's History. The Commission has also been discussing increasing collaboration with the Washington <br />County Historical Society. <br />2013 Fire Department Goals <br />Fire Chief Kevin Colvard presented the Fire Departments goals. <br />• Review firefighter wage levels with the intent to remain competitive with surrounding departments <br />• Increase staffing levels and raise retention rates by utilizing both new and existing recruitment <br />methods <br />• Continue preparation for a formal grant application system <br />• Create a formal Capital Improvement Plan <br />• Begin a process for establishing a Leadership Development Program <br />• Actively try to reduce fire alarm and carbon monoxide alarm calls for service by educating the <br />public on these devices <br />• Review the current procedures used to provide all emergency services <br />2013 Parks Commission Goals <br />The Parks and Recreation Commission discussed 2013 goals at their meeting on January 9, 2013. Parks <br />Planner Shayla Syverson presented the following Parks Commission goals: <br />• Develop a vision for short-term and long-term uses at Irish Avenue Park <br />• Pursue funding for and develop Lions Park <br />• Continue working with Washington County on the Hardwood Creek Trail <br />• Continue to look for grants <br />• Develop a priority list for trail developments and review the Trails Plan <br />• Review neighborhood park service areas <br />• Evaluate a dog park <br />• Evaluate hockey/skating rinks <br />• Continue current programs and develop new offerings <br />• Hold nature programs <br />• Evaluate programming for teenagers and seniors <br />