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MINUTES FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2010 <br />Mayor Fran Mixon called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Haas, Klein, Petryk, Weidt, Miron <br />ABSENT: None <br />ALSO PRESENT: City Administrator Mike Ericson, Community Development Director Bryan <br />Bear, Finance Director Ron Otkin, Senior Engineering Technician Steve Duff, City Engineer Jay <br />Kennedy, and City Clerk Michele Lindau <br />Approval of Minutes for Mid -Year Budget Review Meeting on August 11, 2010 <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the minutes for the mid -year budget review <br />meeting held on Tuesday, August 11, 2010 as presented. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of Minutes for City Council Meeting on August 16, 2010 <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the minutes for the August 16, 2010 City <br />Council meeting as presented. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of the Agenda <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the agenda as amended. <br />Correction on Consent Agenda to approve NRI's Transition Plan, not Site Plan. <br />Add to Council Presentations to Recognize Retiring Columbus Mayor Mel Mettler. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Princess Kay of the Milky Way Katie Miron <br />On Wednesday, August 25, 2010, Hugo resident Katie Miron was selected as the 57I' Princess <br />Kay of the Milky Way at the Minnesota State Fair. Katie is a 19 -year old sophomore at the <br />University of Minnesota majoring in Agricultural Education. Katie is the second daughter of <br />Mayor Fran Miron and his wife Mary Ann to earn this award, with older sister Ann being <br />selected 2007. Katie, who had just finished a 12 -day run at the Minnesota State Fair, appeared <br />before the Council stating she was proud to be representing Washington County and the <br />Minnesota State Dairy Association. She explained her role as a goodwill ambassador and the <br />Midwest Dairy Association's partnership with the Minnesota Vikings NFL Team. The Council <br />congratulated Katie on her achievement, and she thanked the Council for their support. <br />