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M <br />RESOLUTION 199741 <br />A RESOLU77ON AGREEING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN UNDESIGNATED <br />MUSA RESERVE IN THE CITY OF HUGO, AND DIRECTING THE PREPARATION <br />OF AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE PREMATURE SUBDIVISION OF <br />LAND WITHIN THE AREA OF THE CITY DESIGNATED FOR MUNICIPAL <br />UTILITY SERVICED DEVELOPMENT <br />Whereas, the City of Hugo has submitted a revised comprehensive plan to the Metropolitan <br />Council in accordance with the Metropolitan Land Planning Act, and <br />Whereas, in order to respond to changes in local conditions and variations in markets the city <br />wishes to retain flexibility in the expansion of the City's designated Municipal Utility Service Area <br />(MUSA), and <br />Whereas, the City of Hugo and the Metropolitan Council have agreed that approximately 1,557 <br />acres of developable land will need to be added to the City's MUSA through the year 2020 to <br />serve expected demand for development, and <br />Whereas, due to the large amount of undelineated wetlands, large floodplain areas, and other <br />topographic constraints of the City, as well as changing regulatory definitions of such constraints, <br />it is not possible to predict the exact amount of developable property within the City, and <br />Whereas, given future determinations of the capacity of public utilities to service a specific <br />area, the capability of the City to serve the area with public services, and the contiguous <br />relationship of the area to the City's existing MUSA, it would be appropriate and feasible to <br />include any or all of the West 1/2 of Section 16 and Sections 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30, 31 and 32, <br />Township 31 North, Range 21 West within the City's MUSA; <br />Now, therefore, be N resolved by the City Council of Hugo, Washington County, Minnesota, <br />that the City of Hugo will enter into an agreement with the Metropolitan Council establishing the <br />West 1/2 of Section 16 and those parts of Sections 17, 18, 19, 20, 29. 30, 31 and 32, Township <br />31 North, Range 21 West not currently within the MUSA as "undesignated MUSA reserve" under <br />the following conditions: <br />1. The City will have the authority to incorporate an additional 1,557 developable acres into the <br />City's MUSA from the undesignated MUSA Reserve. In determining the developable acres in a <br />parcel, the city shall omit all wetland areas, floodplain areas, steep slopes, and other areas which <br />are prohibited from development by law. <br />2. Prior to including any area from the undesignated MUSA Reserve into the MUSA, the City <br />Council must make a determination that: <br />a. The property is contiguous to the City's existing MUSA. <br />b. Public utility services are adequate to serve the area, and feasible for construction to <br />the site. <br />c. Other public services, such as streets, law enforcement, and fire protection are <br />adequate to service the area to be included in the MUSA. <br />3. The City will provide an annual report to the Metropolitan Council delineating the City's MUSA <br />boundaries, and indicating those changes to the MUSA which occurred over the prior year. <br />and furthermore, the City's zoning administrator is hereby directed to prepare a "premature <br />subdivision ordinance" for Council review and approval, containing the following conditions and <br />specifications: <br />1. Property included in the MUSA must lie within the undesignated MUSA Reserve area. <br />2. The property to be included in the MUSA must: <br />