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MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 14, 2005 <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the meeting to order at 8:10 am. <br />PRESENT: GrangelHaas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson; CD Director Bryan Bear; City Attorney Dave Snyder; Water <br />Resource Engineers Pete Willenbring and Phil Belfiori; and City Clerk Mary Ann Creager <br />REPORT FROM SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 6, 2005 <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson provided Council with an update from the subcommittee meeting <br />held on January 6, 2005. <br />OUTCOMES/UPDATES FROM JANUARY 12, 2005 RCWD MEETING <br />Water Resource Engineer Pete Willenbring provided Council with a Power Point presentation <br />outlining possible alternatives to move forward with the Hardwood Creek/JD2 Rehabilitation <br />Project. City Attorney Dave Snyder stated that the City was asking the RCWD to rescind/delay their <br />action taken at its meeting of December 15, 2005 to make sure that both the City and RCWD were <br />satisfied with the course of action. Dave stated that the 30 -day appeal to the 12/15/05 action was <br />prepared and ready to be served. <br />Council recessed its meeting at 9:00 an to hold the joint meeting with the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District. <br />MINUTES FOR THE JOINT COUNCIL/RCWD MEETING OF JANUARY 14,2005 <br />RCWD Board Present: Andrew Cardinal, Harvey Karth, Barbara Haake, James Leroux and Roger <br />Aiken <br />Staff Present: Administrator Steve Hobbs; Office Manager Theresa Stasica; Louis Smith and Chuck <br />Holtman of Smith Parker; Brett Emmons, Cecilio Olivier and Marcey Westrick of EOR <br />City of Hugo: Mayor Miron, Council Member Granger, Council Member Puleo, Council Member <br />Haas, and Council Member Petryk <br />Staff Present: Administrator Mike Ericson, CD Director Bryan Bear, and City Attorney Dave Snyder <br />Visitors: Brad Moore, Kent Lokkesmoe and Travis Germundsom of MN Department of Natural <br />Resources; Dr. Sand Verry; Steve Woods, Board of Soil and Water Resources; John Waller, Vince <br />Niemcyzk, Scott Robinson, Terry Young, Dean Stead, Dave Schumann, Jeff Gruett, Joe Marier, <br />Quint Marier, Andy Goiffon, Debra Barnes, Don Steinke <br />President Cardinal called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. All Board members were present. <br />Motion by Manager Aiken, seconded by Manager Haake, to amend the agenda to begin with item 6. <br />Proposed Agreement for JD2 Culvert Replacement Project. <br />Manager Leroux requested that the agenda remain the same because of the large audience that may <br />have taken time off to attend the meeting. Manager Aiken suggested there be a time certain for the <br />