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2002.02.25 CC Minutes - Special meeting
City Council
City Council Minutes
2002 CC Minutes
2002.02.25 CC Minutes - Special meeting
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MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25.2002 <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />City Administrator, Michael Ericson <br />CD Director, John Rask <br />City Attorney, Dave Snyder <br />City.Engineer, Dave Mitchell <br />VISIONING PROCESS — REVIEW — HGA'S FINAL REPORT <br />At its January 22, 2002 meeting, the Council accepted the final draft of the community vision/charrette <br />process prepared by the planning firm of Hammel, Greene, and Abrahamson, Inc., (HGA), which will <br />guide the City with a community-based vision for the downtown Hugo area to the western border on <br />Elmcrest Avenue. The new "central" Hugo will have the new City Hall as its anchor, and it will <br />incorporate a pedestrian friendly retail -oriented theme with a variety of lifecycle housing, including <br />senior citizen housing. This special meeting was called following Council direction to staff to schedule <br />a follow-up meeting to determine the future direction for the City in shaping its vision over the next <br />twenty years. At staff s recommendation, Council reviewed the new City Newsletter, which included a <br />story about the charrette process being completed. CD Director John Rask explained that the <br />development of the central downtown Hugo will be framed by the City's land use ordinance and street <br />design standards. The Community Development Department will continue to use the vision boards <br />prepared by HGA in its discussion with business owners and developers. <br />CITY COUNCIL GOAL SETTING SESSION <br />At its January 22, 2002 meeting, the Council directed staff to schedule a goal setting session at which it <br />would discuss City Council goals for the upcoming year. Staff included for Council the goal setting <br />report prepared by Barbara Strandell from last year, as well as the new City Newsletter, which includes <br />a number of projects that staff will be working on. Additionally, staff included the in-house <br />current/unfinished projects list dated February 20, 2002. Also included were the 2002 work plans from <br />the Parks Commission and Planning Commission. Council discussed the need for a better, more well <br />defined cluster housing ordinance. Mayor and Council members agreed to provide clear policy direction <br />to the planning Commission to work on a revised cluster -housing ordinance. CD Director John Rask <br />agreed to share this policy direction with the PC. Council stated that the diverse thinking on the PC <br />would be healthy in drafting a newly revised ordinance. Council offered additional goals for 2002, <br />including: home occupation/home-based business; buffer ordinances; downtown redevelopment plan; <br />DTED and Met Council grants; grants for senior citizen housing; and an inventory of City lands for <br />parkland. Parks Commission should prioritize the land parcels and recommend selling or retaining <br />them. Staff will bring a comprehensive list of all goals to the next Council meeting for prioritization by <br />Council. <br />CONCEPT PLAN FOR CENTEX'S FENWAY PA" PROJECT <br />Steve Ach from Centex presented his concept plan for development of the Ken Tschida property. He <br />would like to submit it as a 50 -acre P.U.D. with 25 acres of open space. Council comments were <br />advisorory only. Mr. Ach thanked the Council for the* tim and consideration. <br />
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