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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING JULY 29,1998 <br />JOINT CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />CITY OF HUGO <br />WHITE BEAR TOWNSHIP <br />MINUTES <br />DATE : July 29,1998 <br />TIME STARTED : 7:30 p.m. <br />TIME ENDED : 9:50 p.m. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT : Council Members Bergeson, Dahl, Lyden, <br />MEMBERS ABSENT : Council Member Neal and Mayor Sullivan <br />Staff members present: Community Development Director, Brian Wessel; City <br />Engineer/Public Works Director, David Ahrens; Assistant to the City Administrator, Dan <br />Tesch; Consulting Engineers, John Powell and Joe Kern, Environmental Coordinator, <br />Marty Asleson and Clerk -Treasurer Marilyn Anderson. <br />City of Hugo: Council Members Andrew Goeffon, Debra Barnes, Warren Arcand, Jim <br />LeRoux, Mayor Fran Miron; City Administrator, Bob Museus; Consulting Engineer, <br />Tom Angus of OSM and Water Resource Engineer, Peter Willenbring of WSB. <br />White Bear Township: Board Members Dick Sand, Bob Weisenburger and Linda Ford <br />and Administrator, Bill Short <br />Acting Mayor Chris Lyden welcomed everyone to the meeting and everyone introduced <br />themselves. Acting Mayor Lyden explained that the purpose of the meeting is to present <br />an exchange of comprehensive plan information by the three (3) entities represented <br />tonight. <br />Mr. Wessel explained the City of Lino Lakes, as all communities in the seven (7) county <br />metropolitan area, is in the process of preparing a Comprehensive Land Use Plan as <br />required by Metropolitan Council. He explained he would present the current status of the <br />Lino Lakes Plan. Joe Kern, Transportation Engineer with SRF will present the <br />transportation plan for the City and John Powell, consulting engineer with TKDA will <br />present primarily the utility plan for this area. After these presentations, both Hugo and <br />White Bear Township will be asked to present the current status of their respective Plans. <br />These presentations should lead into a discussion of how each plan would affect the <br />neighboring communities and how the three (3) communities could work together to, in <br />effect, prepare a regional plan. <br />Mr. Wessel explained that for the past four (4) years the City has concentrated most of its <br />economic development efforts in the Apollo Business Park in the western portion of the <br />City and Clearwater Creek Business Center located around the 1-35E/Main Street <br />PAGE 1 <br />