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M T NL 1:'FE4 F- LF-2 1_HE: F l!L O _[ :[ lµY _C::C..?UNC; I !__ MEET I h1G_C!F F: F FiF_U AFS <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, Miron <br />City Administrator, Hobert Museus <br />City Attorney, Greg Galler <br />Engineer, Ed DeLaForest. <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />ABSENT": Jim Leroux <br />Barnes made motion, Goiffon Seconded, to approve the minutes of January <br />171 1995, as amended. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LaValle made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the minutes for the <br />special Council meeting of January', 1995, as submitted. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Barnes made motion, LaValle seconded, to approve the claims for F=ebruary <br />b, 1995, in the amount of $31,534.80. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />F'UBL: I: '...HF FiR I NG ....(' JF;CAT I l )hJ._ 1-1f ...._ U I_ _.I_L,'r' . EFa 3EMENT..1._ <br />A public hearing was scheduled for 7:05 PM to consider vacation of a <br />public utility easement located at 14797 Fort= -.t Blvd. North. Granger's. <br />Inc., owners of the property, requested a change in the location of the <br />City's public utility easement across their- property in order to <br />facilitate expansion of their business on the site. The City Engineer <br />reviewed the proposal, and found it acceptable, and the City Attorney <br />approved the Grants of Easement and Vacation documents. ;staff recommended <br />approval of Vacation of the easement subject to the Grangers granting of a <br />new easement. The public hearing was opened, and there were no oral or <br />written comments. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 95-2,RESOLUTION <br />VACATING A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT IN EXCHANGE FOR OBTAINING A NEW PUBLIC <br />UTILITY EASEMENT IN THE SAME PRACTICAL LOCATION. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />PUBLIC -HE"R I NG ... f..EGG_LLA KE ROAD S I DEWAL k:: ), <br />A public_ hearing was scheduled for 7:10 PM to consider the construction of <br />a bike path/sidewalk along Egg Lake Road between T.H. 61 and Goodview <br />Avenue. Council members Barnes and LaValle, along with City staff, <br />conducted an informational meeting with the residents adjacent to the <br />proposed improvements on February 2, 1995. A feasibility report prepared <br />by TKDA was provided to the Council for their consideration, with an <br />estimated project cost between $40,000 and $50,000. Don Theisen, <br />Washington County Engineer, was present to answer questions during the <br />public hearing. The public hearing was opened, and <br />