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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 2. 1995 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux. Miron , <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Attorney, Greg Galler <br />City Engineer, Tom Angus <br />City C1erk,'Mary Ann Creager <br />ADD TO TONIGHT'S AGENDA <br />Discussion of Lake Air Estates drainage <br />Discussion of C.R. 8A project <br />General correspondence <br />LaValle made motion, Barnes seconded, to adopt the following Consent <br />Agenda: <br />Minutes for the City Council meeting of September 13, 1995 <br />Minutes for the City Council meeting of September 18, 1995 <br />Letter Regarding Parking at Subway's <br />Award gravel bid to Valley Paving for a project cost of X24, =7o.oO <br />Reduce Oneka Estates Letter of Credit to $102,000.00 <br />The foregoing Consent Agenda was adopted unanimously. <br />The Council discussed the payment of $271.�►66.69 for the C.R. SA project. <br />Councilmember Barnes felt that payment should be withheld until the road <br />is further improved to make it more passable. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux; seconded, to withhold payment to Washington <br />County for the C.R. 8A project until such time as more extensive <br />improvements are made to the road. <br />COUncilman LaValle did not feel it was appropriate to withhold the funds <br />because the County was making every effort to make sure that the <br />contractor was performing, and withholding the payment may damage the <br />City's relationship with the County. <br />Barnes and Leroux; withdrew their motion. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the claims for October 22, <br />1995. in the amount of $297.086.27. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />1.995/96 SNOWPLOWING AGREEMENT <br />The City received a quote from Keith Greenwaldt for removing snow from <br />City -owned parking lots and sewer substations. Mr. Greenwaldt will charge <br />$42.50 per hour, including labor and equipment. This is the same price <br />charged for 1994/95 season. Staff recommended retaining Mr. Greenwaldt to <br />perform such work. Councilman LaValle felt that the maintenance employee <br />could take care of the City's plowing needs, as a new truck needs to be <br />purchased in the near future. It was determined to hire Mr. Greenwaldt <br />for another year to allow time for the City to purchase a vehicle. <br />