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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING <br />WITH THE CITY OF HUGO <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />COUNCIL MINUTES <br />RECEIyED DEC 2 2 0% <br />NOVEMBER 16, 1994 <br />Staff members present: Acting City Engineer, John Powell, City <br />Administrator, Randy Schumacher and Clerk -Treasurer Marilyn <br />Anderson. City of Hugo Council members: Francis Miron, Debra <br />Barnes and Jim LeRoux. Newly elected Hugo Council members Marvin <br />LaValle and Andy Goiffon, Hugo City Administrator Bob Museus and <br />Consulting Engineer, Joel Dresel were also present. <br />The purpose of the meeting, which was held at the White Bear <br />Country Inn, was to discuss issues of mutual interest to both the <br />City of Lino Lakes and the City of Hugo. <br />The City of Lino Lakes and the City of Hugo have entered into an <br />agreement to prepare a study of the Clearwater Creek drainage <br />area. The study is being prepared by Hugo's consulting engineer, <br />OSM and is expected to be completed in February, 1995. Rice <br />Creek Watershed District (RCWD) is aware that the study is being <br />prepared and has noted that it meets their criteria. Mr. Dresel <br />said that he would present the completed study to both the City <br />of Lino Lakes and the City of Hugo. <br />Mr. LaValle and Mr. Miron discussed elements of the study noting <br />that the intention was to coordinate the study with RCWD because <br />the study area involves several entities as well as Bald Eagle <br />Lake, Otter Lake and the entire Clear Watercreek area. Mr. Miron <br />said he could envision a control structure at Bald Eagle Lake and <br />a revision of the structure that lies under I35E. The result of <br />the study will be a plan to control drainage in the entire <br />Clearwater Creek basin. The impact of the plan will be known and <br />communicated to the public to avoid a situation that now is <br />occurring in the City of Centerville. <br />Mr. LaValle explained that when I35E was constructed, a mistake <br />PAGE 1 <br />