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MINUTES FOR 'f HE HL)GO C I'f Y CL:)UNC I L MEETING OF DECEMBER 19. 1.994 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stolt man at '7:(--)(:) PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Leroux. Miron,,man <br />City Administrator, Robert MuseUS <br />City Attorney, Greq Galler- <br />City Engineer, Joel Dresel <br />City Clerk:, Mary Ann Creaqer <br />ABSENT: Bernard Brunotte (Councilman Brunotte arrived at 7:07 PM.) <br />Ler-oUX made motion. Miron seconded, to approve the minutes for the Hugo <br />City Council meetinq of December 5, 1994. <br />VOTING AYE: LeroUX, Miran, Stolt man <br />ABSTAINED: Barnes <br />Motion Carried. <br />LeroUX made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the claims for December <br />19, 1994, in the amount of $131,628.90. <br />(Councilman Brunotte arrived at 7:07 f -M. ) <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SITE PLAN APPROVAL (MAXWELL)- <br />The <br />MAXWELL <br />The Council considered a site plan submitted by Mike and Mindy Maxwell, <br />9674 152nd St., Hugo. for construction of a <.-*:i.ngl.e family home on their <br />lot. The Maxwells are currently living in a mobile home on the same <br />property and have requested to keep the home on the site until their new <br />hawse is ready for occupancy. 'rhe Site plan is in conformance with the:! <br />City's zoning regulations. Staff recommended approval of the site plan <br />subject to the Maxwells depositing with the City in escrow to <br />secure removal of the mobile home from the site no later than October 31. <br />1995. <br />Miron made motion, Stolt man seconded, 'to approve the site plan request of <br />Mike and Mindy Maxwell, 9674 152nd Street, to allow them to reside in the <br />mobile home during construction of a single family residence. Approval is <br />subject to applicant a letter of credit, or cash deposit., in <br />the amount of $3,000, to insure removal of the mobile home by <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LIQUOR ORDINANCE <br />In response to Council guidance provided on December 5, 1994, a proposed <br />liquor license ordinance was revised as follows: <br />1. Fee schedule for the licenses remains as currently established. <br />1") In accordance with State law, individuals 18 years and older will be <br />allowed to serve alcoholic beverages in restaurants. <br />3. Closing ting for business conducted on Sundays has been changed from <br />122 Midnight to 1:00AM the following Monday morning. <br />