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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br /> GOAL SETTING WORKSHOP <br /> TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2017 <br /> 6:30 P.M. <br /> Weidt called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. <br /> PRESENT: Haas (via Skype), Klein, Miron, Petryk, Weidt <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> STAFF PRESENT: City Administrator Bryan Bear, Public Works Director Scott Anderson, <br /> Finance Director Ron Otkin, Accounting Clerk Anna Wobse, Planner Rachel Juba, Community <br /> Development Assistant Rachel Leitz, and City Clerk Michele Lindau <br /> Goals for 2016 <br /> City Administrator Bryan Bear provided some background on past discussions regarding some <br /> budget items, and he reviewed the 2016 goals saying he feels progress has been made. <br /> Updates from Commissions <br /> Bear explained the major goal of the Planning Commission for 2017 and into the year 2018 will <br /> be the Comprehensive Plan update. A joint meeting will be scheduled for the end of February. <br /> The Parks Commission goals focus on trails, with the park on Irish Avenue and Lions Park being <br /> seen as equally important for development. The EDA goals focus mainly on helping spark the <br /> downtown area. The Historical Commission will continue doing what they are doing but are <br /> interesting in pursuing further discussion on the Hopkins Schoolhouse to make a decision on <br /> what the fate of the building should be. <br /> Long Range Goal Discussion <br /> Bear worked with staff to develop a list of many projects and items that are not a part of any <br /> financial plan, but meant to provide topics for consideration. A lot of what is done will be <br /> dependent on what level of service the City should provide. <br /> Buildings and Equipment: <br /> Bear explained that the Fire Department roof has been discussed in the past, and there is failing <br /> heating and cooling equipment to consider. It is not in the budget and we need to start preparing <br /> for building maintenance and create a fund for it. The Public Works Department will, at some <br /> time, need to be expanded. The Sheriff Department currently works out of the building, which <br /> has created more space needs for office and vehicles, and there is the question of whether the <br /> City should partner with the Washington County Sheriffs Department to share costs. Bear also <br /> posed the question of whether the City's community spaces were adequately serving the public. <br /> The City buildings need security upgrades and, with the elimination of paper files, there needs to <br /> be a way to display electronic data to the public at the front counter at City Hall. Another thing to <br /> consider was upgrades in technology for the Oneka Room and Council Chambers. There are <br /> equipment needs by the Fire Department and Public Works, and there has been a need in the <br /> past, and is expected in the future, for a passenger van. Recommendations by Bear for Council <br />