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MINUTES FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,2017 <br /> Call to Order <br /> Mayor Weidt called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. <br /> PRESENT: Klein, Miron, Petryk, Weidt <br /> ABSENT: Haas <br /> ALSO PRESENT: City Administrator Bryan Bear, City Attorney Dave Snyder, City Engineer <br /> Mark Erichson, Community Development Assistant Rachel Leitz, and City Clerk Michele <br /> Lindau <br /> Approval of the Minutes for the September 5, 2017 City Council Meeting <br /> Klein made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the minutes for the September 5, 2017 City <br /> Council meeting as presented. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Approval of the Agenda <br /> Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the agenda by adding an update on the local <br /> water planning review as requested by John Waller. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> White Bear Lake School District Lew Renewal—Superintendent Dr. Wayne Kazmierczak <br /> At their August meeting, the White Bear Lake Area School Board approved a ten-year Local <br /> Operating Levy Renewal question to be placed on the November 7, 2017 ballot. This vote will be <br /> a renewal of the same question that was supported in the fall of 2011. <br /> Superintendent Dr. Wayne Kazmierczak was in attendance to present information on the school <br /> district and the levy renewal. Dr. Kazmierczak showed a map indicating where the schools were <br /> located in the district, reflecting an imbalance with enrollment. He reviewed information that <br /> was provided to the school district by a demographer that projected up to 9,430 students in ten <br /> years, where they currently stand at approximately 8,200, which is 200 more this year than was <br /> anticipated. He shared the results of a community survey that showed strong support for the levy <br /> renewal. Taxes would not increase; they were only asking for what they currently have. <br /> Dr. Kazmierczak introduced Mr. Wald who talked about the increased student opportunities with <br /> career pathways programs and innovative programs to guide students on to college. The district <br /> has begun work on their strategic plan with the hope to take it to the school board in March 2018. <br /> Council talked about the significant growth in Hugo and asked about the current capacity of the <br /> schools. Dr. Kazmierczak acknowledged that there isn't much capacity left in Hugo schools, but <br /> they may be able to pick up a few more classrooms. The biggest need for classroom space is at <br /> the elementary level. <br />