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RESOLUTION 2024-4 <br /> APPROVING A FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR <br /> "WATERCREST OF HUGO"LOCATED WEST OF GOODVIEW AVENUE <br /> NORTH AND SOUTH OF EGG LAKE ROAD NORTH <br /> WHEREAS, Artemis Development Company, LLC., has requested approval of a final <br /> plat and development agreement to plat 30 lots and 3 outlots to be known as "Watercrest <br /> of Hugo" located west of Goodview Avenue North and south of Egg Lake Road North <br /> and is legally described as follows: <br /> See attached <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF <br /> THE CITY OF HUGO, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does approve the final <br /> plat and development agreement for "Watercrest of Hugo" subject to the following <br /> conditions: <br /> 1. The final plat is approved to allow the construction of 30 single family homes and <br /> 3 outlots, in accordance the approved preliminary plat dated April 9, 2022, <br /> revised July 6, 2022, (formally known as Goodview Estates) and the final plat <br /> plans received by the City and dated November 28, 2023, except as amended by <br /> this resolution. <br /> 2. The final plat shall be subject to the preliminary plat approval granted by the City <br /> Council on August 1, 2022, and as may be amended. (Resolution#2022-42). <br /> 3. The developer shall obtain all necessary local, state, and federal permits. <br /> 4. Development is subject to the R-3 district standards and setbacks as followed. No <br /> variances are granted or implied. <br /> Minimum Front Yard Setback 30 feet <br /> Minimum Side Yard Setback 10 feet <br /> Minimum Rear Yard Setback 30 feet <br /> 5. The development shall comply with the comments in the City Engineer's memo <br /> dated February 5, 2024, and any red-lined comments from the City Engineer to <br /> the developer. <br /> 6. Staff will continue to work with the applicant on the location and specification of <br /> the trails. <br /> 7. Staff will continue to work with the applicant on the street lighting plan. Exact <br /> locations of the street lights shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to <br /> installation. <br /> 8. Each home shall include a minimum of 2 parking spaces within the driveway. <br /> The driveway widths shall be a maximum of 24 feet at the right of way line. <br />