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1990.11.26 CC Minutes - Road Improvements
City Council
City Council Minutes
1990 CC Minutes
1990.11.26 CC Minutes - Road Improvements
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MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR NOVEMBER -26., 199> i <br />The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Atkinson at 7:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: Jesi.nski, McAllister, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber <br />City Engineer, Howard KUU5i5t0 <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />CITY COUNCIL -ELECT <br />Walter Stolt man, Fran Mir -on, and Bernard Brunotte <br />Mayor Atkinson stated that the purpose of this evening's meeting is to <br />hold a public improvement hearing to consider road improvements identified <br />as C.I.P. Phase 2. Mayor Atkinson stated that the City will be <br />considering making of the improvements included in Phase 2 at this time. <br />He stated that the City Council, as a group, had cited road improvements <br />as one of the top priorities of the City. The City has limited revenue <br />for the graveling of municipal roads maintained annually, and that the <br />cost to maintain the roads was going up at a faster rate than revenue can <br />be generated. He noted that the City Council does have the option of <br />reducing the scope of the project, but cannot expand it. To proceed with <br />this project this evening, a 4/5's vote of the Council would be required. <br />He also pointed out that under Chapter 49 of the Public Improvement Code, <br />a minimum of 21% of the project must be assessed tto benefiting property <br />owners. He then stated that the estimated cost of this improvement, based <br />on the anticipated assessable footage and project cost, would be <br />$4.95/ft. Mayor Atkinson referenced the October 31, 1990 informational <br />meeting, at which time the City staff answered specific questions <br />regarding various properties affected by this proposed improvement. <br />Mayor Atkinson then called on City Engineer, Howard i:::uusisto, to make his <br />presentation regarding this proposal. Mr. Kuusisto then reviewed the <br />proposed improvements in Phase 2 for the following roads: 130th Street <br />from County State Aid Highway 8A west to Irish Avenue, Irish Avenue from <br />130th Street south to County State Aid Highway #7, 125th Street from <br />Goodview Avenue east to Homestead Drive, 132nd Street from Goodview Avenue <br />east to County Road 8A, Homestead Avenue from 132nd north to 147th Street, <br />Henna Avenue (aka 128th Street) from 132nd Street south to Hilo Avenue, <br />and Hilo Avenue from Henna Avenue (aka 128th Street) south to 125th <br />Street. He emphasized that the prioritizing of the streets in question <br />was done by the street superintendent, Washington County road supervisor, <br />City administrator, and the City engineer. He stated that the criteria <br />used in prioritizing the streets was: the cost to maintain the roads, <br />road conditions, traffic volumes, citizen complaints, and community -growth <br />patterns. He then stated thast all the roads in question will be treated <br />as a single improvement with one uniform assessment rate applied to the <br />benefiting properties. He pointed out that all roads would be designed <br />basically the same, and be of 7 -ton capacity, with 24' road width and <br />shoulders. Mr. Kuusisto also stated that there would be no realignment of <br />any roads prior to improvements. <br />Mayor Atkinson then called on the City administrator to review the <br />financing and assessments for this project. City Administrator, Ken <br />
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