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MINUTES FOR THE . REGULAR CITY_ COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6, 1989 <br />The meetinq was called to order by Mayor Atkinson at 7:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: McAllister, Jesinski, Olson, Vail, Atkin -son <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber <br />City Clerk:, Mary Ann Creaqer <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the City Council minutes for <br />January 17, 1989 as submitted. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Vail made motion., Olson seconded, to approve the General Claims for <br />February 6, 1989 in the amount of $31,167.27. <br />Olson made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the Utility Claims for <br />February 6, 1989 in the amount of $4,104.13. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SENATOR LAIDIGiREPRESENTATIVE SWENSON <br />Senator Gary Laidiq and Representative Douq Swenson were present at City <br />Hall prior to Monday niqht's City Council meetinq to hold a "Town Meeting" <br />of their- own. Mayor Atkinson act%nowledged their presence at the Council <br />meetinq, and thanked Hugo's representatives for their efforts on behalf of <br />the City of Hugo. <br />REZONING REQUEST (HARSTAD COMPANIES) <br />On behalf of the Harstad Companies, Merila and Associates has made <br />application to the City of Hugo for the rezoninq of a 53 acre tract of <br />land from Sinqle Family Estate (SFE) to Single Family Urban (SFU) in the <br />City of Hugo. The property in question is located immediately south of <br />the Hugo Meadows subdivision, and was platted as Outlot C on the original <br />Hugo Meadows plat. It is the intent of the developer to improve this <br />property for single family development with the extension of utilities and <br />streets to serve the area. Notices of this rezoninq Were published in the <br />Forest I_aE::e Times, as required, and mailed notices were sent as per city <br />ordinance advising affected residents of the public hearing scheduled <br />before the Plann.i.r;g Commission on January 25, 1989. When the Harstad <br />Companies came before the city in 1986 to rezone an 8C-) acre tract of land <br />for residential development, the Planninq Commission felt that with the <br />drainage concerns and impact of this development on the area, that the <br />site in question should be approved in phases rather than approved as one <br />large parcel. The Harstad Companies reduced the scope of their request to <br />a 27 acre tract consisting of 57 residential lots. The original <br />preliminary plat called for the dedication of a part: off of Goodview <br />Avenue to serve the development. The lot development on the 53 acre tract <br />in question Would be worked around a protected wetland within this area. <br />Our preliminary review indicates that the site can be served by municipal <br />utilities, and the development of this area into single family residential <br />lots appears to be consistent with the city's comprehensive plan. We <br />should point out, however, that any approval of the rezoning is not a <br />