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1989.06.19 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1989 CC Minutes
1989.06.19 CC Minutes
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The meeting was called to order by Mayor Atkinson at 7:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: McAllister, Jesinski, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />Jesinski made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the minutes for the <br />regular City Council meeting of June 5, 1989 as submitted. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Vail made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the General Claims for June <br />19, 1989 in the amount of $5,620.44. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mr. John Lannon, administrator for District Memorial Hospital, and Mr. <br />Mike Perrault, Hugo's representative on the hospital board, introduced <br />themselves to the City Council and stated their interest in serving the <br />community and their availability to answer any questions. Mr. Perrault <br />also wanted to emphasize, from a representative's standpoint, Hugo's lint-..- <br />to <br />inkto the hospital. There was also some discussion that the next City <br />Newsletter include an article about the City's participation in the <br />hospital district. <br />ZONING ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS (KEVIN—MANN) <br />As per Council direction, a notice was sent to Mr. Kevin Mann regarding <br />zoning ordinance violations with regard to his property located at 5425 <br />165th Street North. Mr. Mann had received a Special Use Permit from the <br />City of Hugo a number of years ago to construct a pole barn in advance of <br />his personal residence. Mr. Mann has since constructed his home on the <br />site in question' Complaints from neighbors in the area indicated that <br />Mr. Mann was operating his construction company out of his home and <br />follow-up inspections by City staff confirmed this possibility' Mr. Mann <br />has been sent the appropriate notices, and asked to appear before the City <br />Council at 7:00 PM to discuss activities taking place on his property. <br />City staff encouraged the City Council to take a look at the property in <br />question as it appears most of the equipment has been removed, and Mr. <br />Mann may be cleaning up the site and moving his business elsewhere. <br />Arnold Kempe, attorney for Kevin Mann, referenced the alleged code <br />violations as listed in the City's letter of May 30, 1989, and maintained <br />that neither were pertinent for the Mann residence. Mr. Kempe stated that <br />in light of what was allowed by Special Use in the conservancy district <br />(gun clubs, auto dismantling yards, incinerators, etc.), and what was <br />taking place on the Mann property, that the ordinance was not <br />enforceable' Mr' Kempe stated that Mr. Mann was not running a business <br />from his residence, only parking vehicles needed in the operation of his <br />swimming pool business' Tara Arhip, an adjoining neighbor, stated that it <br />was her opinion that Mr. Mann was not in violation of any City codes. <br />Tony Penna stated that Mr' Mann is using the Dotte property, across the <br />street from Mann's residence, to store sand needed in the operation of his <br />pool business, and operating his equipment very early in the morning and <br />late at night' The complaint received by the City did not make any <br />reference to hours of operation of his equipment. <br />
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