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JULY 16, 1978 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE, COUNCIL VILLAGE OF HUGO ,r <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM by Mayor Carlson. Roll was called: Carlson, <br /> LaValle, Leroux, Bjorum, and Lease present. <br /> Minutes of the July 2nd council meeting were approved as presented. <br /> Village general claims were approved as presented. <br /> Attorney Charles Johnson had prepared a zoning ordinance, parts of which he discussed with <br /> the council. Regarding an industrial district, Marvin LaValle mentioned that with the com— <br /> prehensive plan and zoning ordinance, he thought there wouldn't be as many special use <br /> permits issued. Carlson and Leroux stated that they are in favor of special use permits for reg <br /> ulatemy purposes. Mr. Johnson stated that a zoning ordinance should be tailor made to the <br /> community and if the council wants to regulate the industry through special use permits, <br /> then that is what should be done. Mayor Carlson suggested meeting again with the planning <br /> commission to work on the zoning map and ordinance, then hold short meetings with the <br /> public according to the different districts. It was decided that the council and planning <br /> c omission will meet on July 26th. <br /> Next item on the agenda was the land division of Mary Miron. Motion made by Carlson, seconded <br /> by Bjorum to approve land division of Mary Miron, at Si of NE41, Sectioik 9, Township 31 North, <br /> Range 21 West, Washington County, Minnesota. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by L&Valle, seconded by Leroux to approve land division of Daniel Spitzer, at <br /> Ei of SE-ii, Section 11, Township 31 North, Range 21 West, Washington County, Minnesota. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease and seconded to table planning items of Grace Development, Perzichilli, <br /> and McCullough until the August 6th council meeting. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease to renew mobile home permit for Robert McCloud, <br /> at 9627 122nd. St. No. for a period of 90 days. Motion carried. <br /> The fire equipment bids were then discussed. Howard Kuusisto reported that the low bid on <br /> the pumper and tanker chassis was from International Harvestor. He had put combinations of the <br /> equipment and chassis together on paper and explained them to the council. One consideration <br /> to be explored, he. said, was obtaining the whole outfit at the closest place. Motion made <br /> by Carlson, seconded by Lease to award contracts for the fire equipment to the following: <br /> Brown Tank — Tanker $6955.00 <br /> International Harvestor — Tanker Chassis $6242.14 <br /> General Safety Equipment — Pumper $24275.00 <br /> International Harvestor — Pumper Chassis $9848.97 <br /> Optional equipment to Minnesota Fire Inc. at a maximum cost of $7678.89 <br /> subject to the successful sale of $55,000.00 in bonds, with the successful bidders to be <br /> notified by the clerk's office. Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Ted Spears of Advanced Fiberglass appeared regarding his obtaining a special use permit <br /> to remodel and add to his present facility in the industrial park. The planning commission had <br /> recommended that the permit be issued subject to six conditions, one of which was to provide <br /> a 40 foot minimum setback from the right of way of 130th Street. According to Mr. Spears, this <br /> condition would produce an extreme hardship for him, which he explained to the council. Motion <br /> made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle to grant a special use permit to Advanced Fiberglass <br /> for the purpose of manufacturing fiberglass and plastic, and that they be allowed to build <br /> a new warehouse and office building having a minimum 25 foot setback subject to the <br /> following conditions from the planning commissions <br /> 1. The parking area as shown on map be vacated when Farnham Avenue is constructed and <br /> further that adequate off street parking for emplayees and material transportation vehicles <br /> be provided. <br /> 2. Proposed elevations with regard to street level be submitted to and approved by the <br /> village engineer. <br /> 3. The design perimeters for proposed warehouse be submitted to and approved by the <br /> village engineer. <br /> 4. Advanced Fiberglass submit proof of ownership of property to the village council. <br />