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NOVEMBER 19. 1973 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE OF HMO <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Carlson. Roll was called: Carlson, <br /> LaValle, Bjorum, Lease present. Leroux arrived at 7:05 PM. <br /> The minutes of the meeting of November 5th were approved as presented. <br /> The village general claims were reviewed and Howard Kuusisto*s bill for $3350.40 was reduced <br /> by $2500.00 leaving a balance paid of $850.40. Claims were then approved as corrected. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux that minor subdivision of Joseph Waters be approved <br /> subject to a $50.00 parkland fee. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson and seconded to grant temporary mobile home permit renewal to <br /> George Miron. Motion carried. <br /> Lyle Lehner appeared before council with John Ward, the new owner of his property, regarding <br /> obtaining another mobile home permit for the property. Mr. Ward stated that since Mr. Lehner <br /> wants to slow down in his work, a full time employee is needed tohelp him manage the game <br /> farm. They do, however, plan to remodel the farm home on the property and figuerit will <br /> take approximately six months for completion. Mr. Lehner mentioned that the man they want <br /> to hire is a graduate student of wildlife conservation, and should be an asset to the farm <br /> and community. Motion made by Carlson, seconded to grant temporary mobile home permit to <br /> John Ward contingent upon the fact that he obtain a valid building permit, with mohtile home <br /> permit being good only for six months. Motion carried. It was mentioned that a public hearing <br /> would be waived in this case. <br /> Ken Huber and Art Siebert appeared regarding a utility contract between White Bear Lake and <br /> Hugo. Copies of a tentative agreement were given to the council, attorney, and engineer, <br /> which Mr. Siebert verbally explained. Water superintendant Bob Burkard asked if they take <br /> daily water samples, do chemical testing, etc., and was answered that they did not. He stated <br /> he now does this, lubricates the hydrants twice a year, and paints them as he sees fit. <br /> Howard Kuusisto asked a few questions about sewer, one of which was if ttiey check lift <br /> stations on weekends. He was answered they only do emergency work on weekends. Pam Bjorum <br /> questioned whether they are contracting to any other village at the present time. Mr. Seibert <br /> said right now no; Birchwood wanted this werviee but felt they couldn't afford it, and <br /> unfortunately spend about $5500.00 with trouble on one lift station. Dan Spitzer <br /> questioned if contract for $7600.00 was exact or approximate. Answer-not a firm figure. He <br /> also wondered how maty men White Bear Township has working on sewer, water, and roads. <br /> Answer-three or four men. Clerk Burkard questioned if they do meter inspection or new install- <br /> ation and was told they do not. Howared Kuusisto questioned if they take night calls on <br /> sewer and was told they do but charge overtime rates. Attorney Charles Johnson questioned <br /> Ken Huber if they have insurance if a person were to be flooded. Mr. Huber stated he thought <br /> their insurance would probably be extended to cover this contract. <br /> Mr. Huber and Mr. Seibert then left, and council discussed the matter further. LaValle <br /> questioned Howard how many men Hugo would need if they hired their own. Answer-two men <br /> when checking lift stations. Leroux asked Burbmxd how mach time he spent on water each <br /> week or day. Answer- ten to twelve hours per week. LaValle asked Howard.. if he could come up <br /> with an estimate of how mach it would cost if Hugo hired its own men, and Howard said he <br /> would. Mayor Carlson at this point, said he figured it would cost about $13,000.00 for <br /> equipment, plus labor, elarioa2-work, interest, etc. He thought it would be much higher <br /> than going with White Bear Lake. Pam asked Howard if one and one half hours per day was <br /> enough time for our sewer work to get done and Howard said two to three hours per day <br /> would be more like it. Dan Spitzer stated the contract would be more in the range of <br /> $16,000.00 instead of $7600.00 because of overtime spent, and he thought it would be cheaper <br /> to go it alone. Mayor Carlson ddsagreed. This is to be looked into further for the next <br /> meeting. <br />