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DECE SM 179 1973 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE OF HUGO <br /> 4AD9 <br /> 9 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM by Mayor Carlson. Roll was called: Carlsong <br /> LaValle, Leroux, Lease present. B3onn absent. <br /> The minutes of the meeting of December 3rd were reviewed and the deputy clerk was instructed <br /> to strike part of a sentence in the fourth paragraph which reads " and Irene Leroux stated <br /> the planning commission felt they would have to give the club a permit because of Oneka <br /> Ordinance # 6, which states trap shooting is lawful." Minutes then approved after this <br /> correction. <br /> The villageclaims for p.o ment were approved as presented. <br /> Attorney Chasles Johnson had worked on a new ordinance regulating the impounding of dogs <br /> and establishment of fees, which he gave to council for their review. A question came up <br /> of licensing all dogs in the village, including the township area. Mayor Carlson stated he <br /> would like part of Section 4 deleted, where it states "where they have reason to believe there <br /> is an unlicensed dog." <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease to adopt Ordinance # 1149 an Ordinance Regulating <br /> Impounding Of Dogs, and Establishing Fees, with the deletion of the following of Section 4;" <br /> where they have reason to believe thereis an unlicensed dog." Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by LaValle to inform Crimsonoross Kennel by letter of the <br /> council's agreement to pay $6.00 impounding fee, $2.00 boarding fee, and $35.00 for patrol <br /> effective January 1, 1974. Motion carried. <br /> The village code was the next item on the agenda. LaValle stated he had read all the ordinances <br /> but had some questions. Lease stated he hadn't gene through all the ordinances, but felt <br /> the council isn't ready to adopt so many ordinances into the code right now. The entire thing <br /> needs further review. <br /> A motion had been made at the meeting of December 3rd and tabled,to adopt several ordinances <br /> into the village oode, and this was voted on now. Carlson for, LaValle, Leroux, Lease <br /> opposed. Motion failed. <br /> It was stated that Joe Perzichilli was selling his liquor establishment to a corporation <br /> called Pioneer Club, operated by Gerald Waste, and Harold Wilcox, and they now wanted to take <br /> over all licenses held previously by Mr. Perzichilli. The police chief had been asked to <br /> investigate, and he reported he found no liquor violations. It was noted that one of these <br /> men had built the "Launching Pad" in Moundsview. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle to transfer liquor licenses held by Joe's On <br /> and Off Sale Inc. to Pioneer Club Inc. effective January 1, 1974. LaValle asked if they <br /> planned on'remodling the building. Yes, they plan on haveing pioneer atomsphere, a <br /> steakhouse, countmy western music, and enlarging the off sale business. Motion carried <br /> Unanimously. <br /> Tom Creverl, building inspeotor, appeared and stated he felt plumbing and heating inspection <br /> fees should be raised. Bob Vadnais said he. felt well permits should be raised from $7.50 to <br /> f $12.00 and sewage disposal permits from $10.00 to $12.00. Mayor Carlson suggested that Vadnais <br /> do more investigating as to White Bear and Forest Lake fees. LaValle stated Hugo should't <br /> really be compared to White Bear or Forest Lake, more to Lino Lakes. Vadnais said he would <br /> i like inspection fees raised from 7596 to 8096. Heating Inspector Virgil Ekbom also felt fees <br /> should be raised 5%. LaValle stated parts of the ordinance should be amended to raise permit <br /> fees. <br /> ation made by Lease, seconded by LaValle to pay 80% of fees to build <br /> acting inspecotors start cgs g wand <br /> � starting January 1, 1974. Motion carried. A public hearrininwas <br /> g as called <br /> to order at 8:00 PM to consider the evidence and factors relating to the revocation or <br /> amendment of the special use permit granted Norman C. Horton Sr. on September 17, 1973 to <br /> ` operate an auto dismantling center on property located at 16705 Forest Blvd C1 <br /> read alcudthe hearing notice published in the White Bear Press on December �, 1� <br />