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JANUARY 7, 1974 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P1,1 by Mayor Crever. Roll was <br /> called: Crever, LaValle, Leroux, Lease present, Bjorum absent. <br /> Minutes of the meeting of December 17th were reviewed. Motion made by <br /> Crever, seconded by Leroux to approve minutes as presented. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Regarding the claims for payment, clerk Burkard reported that "528,190.20 <br /> is to be paid on the Bald Eagle Industrial Park Sewer Project from their <br /> escrow account. Also, the clerk stated he would like to eliminate the <br /> village water checking account and put water along with the general fund <br /> when writing checks, but he would still keep the bookkeeping separate. <br /> He said a sewer account will be set up soon, and he doesn't want to see <br /> three separate checking accounts. Treasurer Bernier didn't seem to care <br /> for the idea of putting water with the general fund. The mayor asked the <br /> treasurer and clerk to get together and discuss the matter further. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Lease to pay all claims as presented. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> City assessor Ed Leroux appeared, saying he had attended assessor's <br /> school a few months back, had taken a test and didn't pass it. He said <br /> a person would have to be a college graduate to pass the test they give. <br /> He stated that after December of 1974, local assessors will have to be <br /> certified, and also have three years experience in the field, so if Hugo <br /> could find a younger man now, it would be to their advantage. Mr. Leroux <br /> mentioned that there are more courses he could take, and then retake the <br /> test, if the council wished. He is to find out where the courses are to <br /> be held and when, and report back to the council on the matter. <br /> Next item was the appointments for the year. Mayor Crever asked Marvin <br /> LaValle to be acting mayor for the year and he accepted. <br /> Motion made by Crever, seconded by Leroux that First State Bank of Hugo <br /> be official depository for the Village of Hugo, and sufficient collateral <br /> be guaranteed. Motion carried. <br /> Mayor Crever stated letters ha.d been recieved from the Forest Lake Times <br /> and White Bear Press asking to be designated official newspaper for Hugo. <br /> Gene Johnson from the Press stated the people have come to depend on the <br /> Press for legal notices regarding Hugo. Duane Rasmussen of the Times said <br /> their paper prints the proceedings for the Washington County Commissioners <br /> and therefore gets wide circulation. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Lease to designate Forest Lake Times <br /> as official legal newpaper for Hugo. LaValle, Le.,_oux, Lease for Crever <br /> abstained. Motion carried. <br /> Mayor Crever said he had mentioned extending the agenda deadline to the <br /> clerk and deputy clerk, but it takes Don Lease a day or so longer to re- <br /> ceive his mail, as he is in Stillwater postoffice. This item is to be by- <br /> passed until all council members receive mail from the Hugo route. <br /> Salary for the clerk, deputy clerk, part time police, and hall mainte- <br /> nance man were next on the agenda. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Leroux that part time police pay be <br /> increased to ">2.50 per hour. Motion carried. <br />