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AM .1 1 <br /> MARCH 4, 1974 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF H1�� <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:08 PM by Mayor Crever. Roll was <br /> called: Crever, LaValle, Leroux, Martin, Lease present. <br /> Page two, paragraph two of the minutes of February 19th were cArrected <br /> to state that the City Attorney would not write a letter to Mr. Mogren <br /> and Mr. Schrier giving reasons for denial of their subdivision. Rather, <br /> they could obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Lease to approve minutes of February <br /> 19th after correction. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Leroux to approve minutes of the special <br /> meeting of February 22nd as presented. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Martin, seconded by LaValle to pay general claims. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Crever to pay the water department <br /> claims as presented. Motion carried. <br /> First item on the agenda was the Ihite Bear Rod & Gun Club Special Use <br /> Permit. There were a number of people in the audience present, who were <br /> land owners in close proximity to the gun club property, and also with <br /> them was a lawyer they had obtained to speak for the.m Mr. Rollin Crawford. <br /> Mayor Crever stated that the meeting was not a public hearing, as that had <br /> already been held on the matter, and the council could put a time limit on <br /> the debate, or hold the number of speakers to a minimum. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Crever to hold debate open for one half <br /> hour for public opinion. Motion carried. <br /> Jerry Perron appeared on behalf of the gun club, and Marvin LaValle asked <br /> him to give a brief presentation on the plans of the gun club on their <br /> property. Mr. Perron stated they owned eighty acres, and planned to put <br /> the clubhouse far off the road, in order to keep the public behind them. <br /> He also stated they had absolutely no plans for rental of the clubhouse, <br /> which seemed to be a concern of the adjacent property owners. As far as <br /> noise was concerned, this was tested, and falls within PCA standards. Re- <br /> garding reclamation of lead shot, Mr. Perron said this is done in Nevada, <br /> and at three year intervals. Ecologists think du&_s eat the lead, but there <br /> are no ducks in the area. It was mentioned there %puld possibly be a pistol <br /> range indoors, where young people are taught to shoot. Meir. Perron mentioned <br /> that the public could use the shooting facilities, as this is done under <br /> supervision, and there are club people always on the grounds. <br /> Mr. Crawford spoke on behalf of the landowners in the area stating their <br /> only concern was the serious effect this club would have on their property. <br /> Mr. Crawford had prepared a letter, which he gave to each council member, <br /> explaining some of these effects; noise, traffic, lights, and consideration <br /> of children and wildlife. According to Mr. Crawford, Ordinance E 1 does not <br /> provide for this type use in that area, and does not have authority to <br /> grant this type of a permit. <br /> Members of the audience than asked a few questions regarding noise, re- <br /> clamation of lead shot,which way the shot would fly, and why they were <br /> vacating their present facilities. It was stated they own about seven <br /> acres now, but are having new roads and freeways crowding them out. It <br /> was mentioned they have roughly two hundred members. <br />