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T <br /> Lj-,_j 1 . I . T"'.. 71S C*;� 01? TTT_ �JTP-Cj-,' 0':j ji-U G.0 <br /> A 1"_L IC7,�j- "I!.)U"' CTIPY ('10 '1 <br /> The -(,,,eetin" ,-ias called to order at 7:05 1,?- *11.y '`ayor Crever. Roll was <br /> called: Crever, Lease, TerouX., Fartin present . LaValle absent . <br /> -Tiutes of the rieetin�, of "'arch 18�th were reviewed. Pa-,e 2, parp.r,raph <br /> 7 was changed to read "Potion made b•, Lease, seconded-.b,r Ireroux to <br /> adopt Resolution 1974-6, a Resolution Accepting Bids on Sale of <br /> L, <br /> ',850,000.00 General Obligation Sanitary Sewer Improvement Bonds of <br /> 1r_-)74, and Providing; for Their Issuance." <br /> otion made by `T�artin, seconded by Leroux to approve minutes as corrected. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> T� - T <br /> : otion made by Tj artin, seconded b-�7 Leroux to approve minutes of ".' arch <br /> 23rd as presented. motion carried. <br /> . Toti on made b-%r Leroux, seconded by -;Martin to pay r..,eneral claims as pre- <br /> sented. 1�,Totio� <br /> scarried . <br /> �'Totion made by Crever, seconded by Leroux to pay water department claims <br /> as presented . Tlotion carried. <br /> Don Tauer appeared with his attorney, Kenneth Rohledger, as requested, <br /> regarding his alleged violation of One'Ka Ordinance 1 and the City <br /> .Building Code Y 108. According to the city building inspector, 11r. Tauer <br /> had built an apartment for rental use in his basement , against the <br /> ordinance pertaining to zoning for private residential homes, and had <br /> failed to obtain a building permit for any remolding or alteration. T7 <br /> Rohleder stated that when 17r. Tauer set forth plans to obtain a. building <br /> permit for his home, there were facilities in the plan for a . second <br /> residenced in the basement. !,*jr. Rohleder felt the Ordinance ,*1- 1 was very <br /> vague, in that there was no m- ention of single family residence. Don <br /> - C> C, <br /> Lease stated that the old township always went on the assumption that <br /> this particular area was single family residential and interpreted the <br /> ordinance in that way. `Tayor Crever mention that Tauer being, a contractor, <br /> should have knoirn to fret a building permit, and then would have been <br /> told about the private residential zoning. T%r!r. Rohleder stated there has <br /> been no rer..iodlikn,,- or alteration since the initial buildinr, permit was <br /> obtained for the house. City attorney Johnson said a rental. unit does <br /> not constitute a private residence . It was mentioned that the building <br /> C_> <br /> inspector asked to be let in the rental unit to inspect, and Tauer <br /> told him it was sor.-ieores horse, and he could not violate that privacy. <br /> Lee ._'T�artin questioned whether a special use permit would solve the pro- <br /> blem. Don :crease stated the council had other business to attned to and <br /> would core back to this later in -the evening. <br /> The -,Jhite Bear Rod and. Gun Club was the next item on the a.,-enda, but <br /> Mr. Perron was not at the meeting, as the matter was not bein-, acted <br /> upon until a later date. T-`_r. Hamilton of the Rice Creek 'latershed Board <br /> appeared, stat-inl,, they felt there was little or no chance of pollution <br /> from lead shot. Regarding; reclamation of lead shot, they had only sug- <br /> gested this idea to the gun club. <br /> ...otion made by Martin, seconded by Lease to table the '.-bite Bear Rod <br /> and Gun Club application until May 6th. 7"otion carried. <br /> Don Lease reported for the Sewer Co­,imittee that they had met last week <br /> and discussed with the engineer the amount of front footage involved, <br /> ,and also discussed corner lots to sor.--ie extert. They also discussed the <br /> trailer Dark and school assessment methods . <br />