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<br /> -he r.eeting was called to order a� 7:10 P : by I-ayor Lease. Roll was
<br /> called: Lease, I:aValle, Lerou:-. Smith present, 'Martin absent.
<br /> ='inutes of the meeting of Jure 17th were approved as presented.
<br /> T"otion glade by T.eroux, seconded by Smith -to pa-,.r the General Claims as
<br /> presented. Notion carried.
<br /> T=otion made by Leroux, seconded by Smith to pay the :later Department
<br /> Claims as roresented. Fotion carried.
<br /> I"otion made by Leroux, seconded by Smith to invest ;1000.00 from Con-
<br /> struction and ;j2000.Ci0 from, ':Tater Revenue in 4 year ce�tificates. Motion
<br /> carried.
<br /> T"-,yor Lease mentioned that Donald -'hitc had been hired for park and gen-
<br /> eral maintenance at a rate of ',,5.00 per hour.
<br /> : representcative from C-rim.scn.cross fennel appeared stating they will no
<br /> longer be able to handle calls in. the Onel.a Township are-, without some
<br /> type of agreements, as it costs them money to do so, and they contL,,,,cte(_.
<br /> to taI_e care of the main part of Hugo only. ;."a.;-or 1:c:. % ,e!
<br /> ordinance to cover the Oneka area, but the Ordinance Committee
<br /> is presently working on an ordinance to cover the entire incorporated city.
<br /> Lease requested the representative to inform I- Flemming (oeaner) that
<br /> we are definitely interested in paying on a call type basis for that area
<br /> until vie have an oradina.nce.
<br /> I'Tr. Inott and friend appeared regarding dividing; a -ten acre parcel into
<br /> tuo five acre tracts. There aas a p-robler, though, in that each five acre
<br /> tract i.rould not have 300 feet of ro .J fronta:,;e as -required by ordinance.
<br /> _ttorney Menson read parts of the ordinance, and carie to the conclusion that
<br /> they would have to file a, subdivision. They were told to get on the Planning
<br /> Cormiission a, ender.
<br /> Itegardiilg an agreement with file telephone company, Howard ?:uusisto was
<br /> unable to contact theJ.i, but will try for next meeting.
<br /> y-T . Johnson had prepared a resolution establishing rules for the oragain-
<br /> zation and procedure of the city council which incorporated statements
<br /> pertaining to the open Treeting law. This would replace _ esolution 53.
<br /> Potion 10ade by LaValle, seconded by Leroux to adopt 2esolution 1974-15, ;,
<br /> 'tesolution Establishing Rules For The Organization And Procedures Of The
<br /> City Council Of The City Cf Hugo, Tiinnesota. Lease, LaValle, Leroux, Smith
<br /> for. I"otion carried.
<br /> discussion with the Police Department eras held next. I•Tayor Lease stated
<br /> that at the last council meeting the council reaffirmed IZr. T;ar-.h' s posi-
<br /> tion as acting chief for three r;To-re months with a ''"50.00 per nonth raise
<br /> in pay. TTr. Barth `ravewritten his report to the council for their review.
<br /> THe stated that a.n,,T c.,al]. is covered no :.latter what time of day. The depart-
<br /> ment has a budget of :;3000.00 to pay ;dart-timemen, and they are not actu-
<br /> ally receiving pay for the actual hours they wor'c. Their hours are cut in
<br /> half, and then_ shaved, in order to fit into the budget. At this point T,ayor
<br /> Tease questioned why anyone woul:Lwork for little pay. Barth said each man
<br /> had his o,m reasons, some for e_-perience, some for prestige, etc. Barth
<br /> mentioned that. these Tien br-7r. their own unifornTs, ..1.; o. IIc said they meet
<br /> each ':ednesday night and go over various lags. T,cy check every business
<br /> in town every hour throughout the night. Sargent- Don T,elle spoke, saying
<br /> he does the scheduling. He lilies to have tiro men in the squad at night
<br /> for safety reasons, and therefore each roan works approximately three nights
<br />