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iLI2T_,T r3ER 16, 1974 L'I13UTES OF PROCEEDINGS 07 THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OFiW <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7: 11 PM r: "ayor Lease. Roll was <br /> called: Lease, LaValle, Leroux, Martin, Smith. present. <br /> I"inutes of the ,meeting of September 3rd were reviewed, and page 2, <br /> last par_ raph, word "statutes" to be correctly spells : Notion made <br /> bw Lease, seconded by Smith to approve the minutes after correction. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Notion made by Leroux, seconded by Smith to approve the General Claims. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> YG 7:15 PN, Clerk Burkard_ stated a notice was published in the Forest <br /> Lake Times regarding calling for Police Car Bids for the City of Hugo. <br /> Fe then opened the one bid received, which was from Barnett Chrysler <br /> of ::Mite Bear Lake for a Grnad Fury Plymough at . 4889.23, subject to <br /> trade in of the old car. The following is a list of exceptions to the <br /> Specs : <br /> 1 . Steel belted radial tires not available <br /> 2. ;;resistor spark plugs not available <br /> 3. Electric clock not available with oil gauge <br /> 4. Rear sway bar not available and not required by Chrysler Products <br /> 5. —edification of rear doors not available and against Federal Regu— <br /> lations. <br /> The council then disc-?ssed the bid and ask <br /> ed Howard his opinion. <br /> Notion made by LaValle and seconded to table the awarding of the Police <br /> Car Bice unitl October 7th meeting to enable Barnett Chrysler to get the <br /> bond in and to check the trade—in value of the old police car. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> The deputy clerk applications were then reviewed by the council. Notion <br /> made by LaValle and seconded to have a meeting to irtervieu candidiates <br /> for the deputy clerk position on September 24th. at 7.00 PM, and the clerk' s <br /> office to notify the seven candidates. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard asked for the okay to cash : 100,000 in government securities, <br /> and council discussed the natter. Howard mentioned application had been <br /> made some time ago to HUD for the Funds. Motion _fade by LaVaile, seconded <br /> by Martin to authorize the clerk to negotiate . 1O0,000 in government <br /> securities for the payment of Hoffman Brothers plus interest payment. <br /> Notion carried. <br /> A letter had been received from Charles Bartholdi, attorney for the George <br /> Ling Estate, acknowledging receipt of the abate notice. Notion made by <br /> Lease, seconded by Martin to have the George Ting ;state cleaned up and <br /> the job not to exceed ' 300.00. Notion carried. <br /> The meeting was recessed and a public hearing was called. at 8:00 PN for <br /> the petition for a mobile home permit by Dolores LaValle. Clerk Burkard <br /> read aloud the hearing notice which was published in the Forest Lake Times. <br /> Ye one from the audience spoke, and the hearing closed at 8:05 IT:. The <br /> meeting was then called back to order. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Martin to _r_ :,nt a Temporary Mobile <br /> Hone Permit to Dolores LaValle under Paragraph D, Section II, Oneka <br /> Ordinance .;' 8. Lease, Leroux, Smith, Martin for. LaValle abstained. Motion <br /> carried. <br />