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1977.11.30 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1977 CC Minutes
1977.11.30 CC Minutes
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11/4/2015 12:48:35 PM
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11/4/2015 12:48:34 PM
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1 2 ,G a i:+pr 30, 1977 MINUTES OF THE E <br /> SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br /> 4 <br /> The special meeting was called to order by Mayor LaValle at 5:05 P.M. <br /> PRESENT: Mayor LaValle, Spitzer, Vail, Schletty <br /> Irsfeld 5:15 <br /> Representatives from Lino, Metropolitan Council, Ramsey County Open: Space: <br /> Bev McCumber, Opal Petersen, Harvey Karth, Edna Sarner, city clerk, Bob Nethercut, <br /> Bob Schneider, Neil Franey, Elliott Perovich Richard Zalinka <br /> Larry Homberg stated that after the on site viewing, the original regional park plan would <br /> have to be abandoned and considering the suggestions 'by Hugo officials and Lino Lakes <br /> officials, the following modifications were made and presented as a new suggested proposal: <br /> Hugo: Primary use would be a bike path, all other uses were deleted. <br /> Objectives: <br /> 1. Construct a separated bike path around Bald Eagle Lake. Separation could be by <br /> marking only. <br /> 2. Construction should be coordinated with the new road, when built. <br /> 3. Shoreland around the lake that does not have homesites, should be preserved and protected. <br /> 4. The existing Ramsey County Open Space and Metropolitan plan will show the deletion of <br /> the acquisition of the homes involved, and the only possible acquisition would be right <br /> of way at north end of the lake where the road narrows. <br /> Lino Lakes: <br /> 1. Bike path to continue. <br /> 2. Wetlands be preserved and controlled by the city. <br /> 3. West of north shoreline of Otter Lake (Bruggerman development) acquisition to be deleted. <br /> 4. 27 acres of Bloomquist property to be acquired. <br /> 5. Lake surface use regulations be implemented. Lake to remain a natural enviromental <br /> lake. <br /> Patroling the area would be a cooperative venture. If at any time the bike path could <br /> become a problem, the local cities could close it off. Construction of the path would <br /> be dependent on the implementing party. City, County or Metropolitan Open Space <br /> Commission, one or three could control, however it should be agreeable by all. <br />
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